Chapter 4

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___8:00 p.m.____

   I sneaked out of my window and climbed down the roof. I jumped down and ran to the park. I don't want to talk about what happened that day. It was... uhh... umm... it was my life.

    I made it to the park and sat on the same bench Tanner and I were sitting on earlier today. I looked around as I breathed in deeply for air. There he was. His perfectly cut brown hair, his incredibly smooth skin and his spectacular brown eyes that seem to sparkle. I smiled as he walked over to me, "Hey."

   He smiled back, "Hey pretty lady. Here with anyone?"

  I did a small laugh as he grabbed my hand and pulled me off the bench. He led me to the highest point of the playground and sat down.

  "So what did you bring?" I asked as he dug his hands into his picnic basket.

  He smiled deviously and replied, "Sandwiches, with bread lettuce and tomatoes."

"So BLTs?"

He raised his eyebrow, "What?"

   "You know Bread, Lettuce, Tomatoe."

"No BLTs are Bacon Lettuce Tomatoe."

     I shook my head, "I'm pretty sure its bread."

   "It's bacon." Before I could argue he pulled out a container and wiggled it around. "Cottage Cheese."

  I almost barfed but held it in, small laughs escaped my lips but I turned them into coughs so it didn't look like I was laughing at him. I was really laughing at the Cottage Cheese. Who eats Cottage Cheese these days? Last time I had it I was 10 and I threw up all over my dad's couch. It was nasty.

"I'm glad you decided to come Claire Unknown. Would have been too much food for me to finish alone," he commented dishing up our plates. Each had a BLT, grapes, and cottage cheese. I noticed in a container by the basket were chocolate covered strawberries. He handed me a plate, napkin, and spork. "Enjoy." he said with a smile. His teeth were pure white and perfectly placed. He had to have braces no one can just be born with those perfect teeth. Can they?

"Why are you doing this? Are you always this creepy and fast pasted?" I questioned.

He raised an eyebrow at me stopping his sandwich in mid-air, "No..? You think I'm creepy?"

I looked away, "Kinda, I mean, ya. You walk up to this stranger in the park and then invite her to a late-night picnic and pretend like you've known her forever. What's your deal?"

He shrugged, "Maybe I have known you forever." He closed his eyes and took a bite of his sandwich. He opened back up his eyes and sat down his sandwich. He looked back at me, "Anymore questions?"

"Who are you?"

"I told you, I'm Tanner Smith."

"You've known me forever?"

"No, that was just like a figure of speech if you will. I feel like I've known you forever, and to be honest I see you at the park all the time. I've looked for you at school but..."

"I don't go to school," I interrupted. 

"Oh, I thought you maybe just went to the private academy in..."

"I don't go to school," I repeated. He shut his mouth and looked me, his eyes were filled with pity, pity and something else... something I couldn't quite tell what.

"I'm sorry Claire, I didn't mean to strike a nerve, and I certainly didn't mean to weird you out. I just thought you were really pretty and could use a friend is all."

"I don't need a friend..."

He smiled, "You could use that sandwich though." He gestured towards my plate.

   I picked up my sandwich and took a bite. "Hmm..."

  "Is it good?" His brown eyes shone with curiosity as he stared at me.

  I nodded, "Delicious!" He smiled and ate his sandwich. I ate a couple of grapes than went back to the sandwich. When we both finished he noticed I still had Cottage Cheese.

  "Do you not like it?"

"Allergic." I didn't want to be rude and lying comes so easy to me. 

   He sighed, "Oh, well you missing out..." no I'm not. "Want to go for a walk?"

   I shrug, "Sure. I could stretch my legs." He helped me up and we both went down the slide. He grabbed my hand and started walking, at first I felt weird holding his hand but I didn't stop it. We reached the meadow and laid down. I looked up to the stars and started seeing the constellations. I pointed them out to Tanner and he just laughed. "Why are you laughing?" I ask.

  He shrugged, "Just didn't think a girl could be pretty and smart"

    I slapped him lightly in the gut, "That's for the insult to girls everywhere." 

    Tanner smiled and pulled me closer in his arms, "Is this okay?"

  I nod, "Yeah." 

   I started pointing out constellations again and Tanner sat us both up. He layed his palm on my cheek bone and his fingers moved around in my hair. He pulled me closer and he leaned in, "Can I kiss you?" I leaned away, he let his fingers slowly fall out of my hair and back to his side. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean..."

I shake my head, "No, it's okay. It's just... I don't know you."

He held out his hand with a smile, "Thumb war?"

I scrunch up my eyebrows, "What?"

"Thumb war. Whoever looses has to tell the other something no one else knows about them," He smiles again. I put my hand in his and we begin.

   Maybe I won't always be alone.

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