Chapter 7

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  I chuckled, "That's funny! Because I know no one"

Max smirked, "We'll see about that." The door than opened again to show a boy. My eyes went wide, 'the boy'. I felt like crying but held it in. Instead I glared, "Tanner."

  "Claire Unknown." He replied he didn't at all seem shocked or hurt.

  "What are you doing here?" He was about to reply when Max interuppted.

   "Told you you know him." I looked over at Max and gave him the death stare.

  "What are they doing here?" I grumbled.

Max shot up with surpirse, "Oh right uhh... She..." he pointed to the woman, "Turned in your dad and he." he pointed to Tanner, "Turned you in."

  My eyes shot open, "What?" I said painfully. Tanner stayed standing there stern. Max unhooked my handcuffs, "Go ahead take out your anger on him."

  This time Tanner's eyes went wide, "What?" Max just nodded. I started to get up but sat back down, "No."

  Max made a confused look, "No?"

I glared at him, "I won't take my anger out on him."

  Max shurgged, "Suit your slef." He than stood up, "I think we're done here."

  The woman put her hand up, "Wait! But what about her dad?"

Max looked at me one last time, "We have her that's all we need." With that they all left. I slammed my head on the table and let a few tears slip.

  How can I be so stupid?

I should've listened to my dad.

  I should've never let my feelings accept a person.

He lied to me.

  Betrayed me.

Hurt me.

  Now I have to pay for it, as well as my dad.

He might be a bad man but he's still my dad. I need to get out of here and I need to warn him.

  I looked down at my hands, he left them uncoffed. I noticed he left a piece of paper on his chair. I know they're watching me through cameras so I secretly grabbed the paper under the table and looked at it.

  The paper read

'It's most of the cops night off tonight. That will be your chance. The key to your handcuffs are on my chair. The camera in the room you are in will be shut down. There is a clock behind you. Don't start escaping until the clock reaches 10:05. Don't worry your dad will be safe. They won't start traking him until tomorrow at noon. You have till then to get him out and get to safety. Somewhere other than your neighborhood and an alleyway. Goodluck.


  I kept re-reading the letter. I can't believe this man is trying to help me escape. I looked at the clock it was a little past noon. A cop came in and gave me a try full of food than walked out I started to eat.

  I finshed a little past 1:00 and sat there waiting. At around 7:00 another tray full of food came in. I ate that and finished around 7:15 the rest of the night I waited. The clock striked 10:00 and I watched the camera it slowly shut itself down. I got up and went to the door. The hallways were empty and dark. I slowly opened it and snuck my way to the next door.

  It lead to a room with a door that led to the front office. I made my way through that went to the exit door I looked around to see if it would set off an alaram. No, I'm good.

  I made my way outside and started bolting. I ran to the bus stop than to my neighborhood, than to my house. I quickly went in not trying to be sneaky or quiet. I ran up to my dad's room and opened the door. He was asleep in his bed alone. Hmm...

  I went and shook him awake. It didn't look to happy when he woke up to find me.

  "We have to go now." I ordered

"Go to bed." He grumbled.

  I shook him a bit more, "No! The cops just took me and questioned me. I was able to get away without telling them anything but they're on to you!" I slapped him with a pillow, "Do you hear me!?"

  George shot up and he was in his boxers that's it. He went to his closet and changed. I did the same but in my closet. We both came out wearing our jackets, best pair of jeans, and good running shoes. I had a t-shirt under my jacket, I don't know about him.

  He was carrying a case I looked at it and he noticed, "Money. We're gonna need it." I nodded and we headed off. To what? I don't know. To where? Again I don't know. When will we be back? Never.


Dun Dun Dun Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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