[chapter two - london]

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Demi and I reached London City Airport around midnight after a long eight hour flight, "Can you grab my purse if you don't mind?" Demi asked as she walked towards the exit, "I'm sleepy," She groaned, "I don't want to carry anything."

Knowing to not aggravate her when she's tired like this, I leaned over and swooped up her purse, "Anything for you."

The second we walked off of the plane we were greeted by our London handler, Ace. I could see a smile creep onto his face as he stood underneath the flashing lights, "Lil' D and Big N!" He waved.
Demi walked towards him first with her arms crossed over her chest, "I told you to not call me that." She mumbled.
"I don't care, I like it." Ace raised a brow as his eyes met the purse that was in my hand, "New look Big N?"

I stared at the new skull tattoo that was planted on the middle of his forehead, "I swear every time we see you, you have a new tattoo."

Ace adjusted his black leather jacket then spun around on his heel, "You should get a teardrop tattoo since the number of people that you've killed keeps rising." He chuckled, "Let's go the limo is waiting on the side."
"Don't say that man, as much as I love this job... that's the part that I hate the most."

"Then you should've became a singer, don't you sing sometimes?"
"Oh please don't get him started." Demi mumbled as she trailed behind Ace.

We all stopped in front of the black limo that was waiting for us as Ace opened the limo door for Demi, "Why not? N sings pretty good from what I remember, real talent. He can sing and throw knives? Every girls dream."
"The second he picks up a guitar I'll beat him with it." Demi replied as she sat in her seat, "I'm not saying that he can't sing it's just when he starts he doesn't stop."
"Damn, you're cold." Ace noted.
"Bite me."

As we began to make our way into the limo, the chauffeur finished putting all of luggage into the trunk. Demi scooted over in her seat to make some room for me to sit down as Ace followed behind me, "So what's going on Ace? Why does Coke need us this time?"

Demi brought her head forward as Ace sat across from us, "Excuse me, what?"
"It means 'evil' in Russian, which is also the name of the guy that Coke has been fucking with." Ace explained.

The limo began to move as I placed Demi's purse onto the floor, "Coke is the most powerful man in the underworld though, why can't he just take him down? Especially since he's the one that's been messing with Zlo?" I asked.

"Most powerful in the states... yes. Outside of the states... Zlo is stronger than him. He has men, women, cartels, trades and anything else your mind could think of spread across each continent." Ace continued, "Zlo is trying to work in the U.S now and of course, Coke isn't having that."

"So they're starting a war." Demi chimed in, "Two idiots starting a war? This isn't going to go well."

"Then what does Coke want us to do?" I asked him, "And why us in the first place? Lennon and Eliza could do something like this since they're already in Europe."

Ace brought his hand up towards his neck and rubbed it, "Lennon and Eliza are dead." He laughed nervously, "We tried to get them on the inside to get closer to Zlo and that didn't end well, he sent them back to Coke in snakes."
My brows furrowed and a confused expression came across Demi's face also, "A what?"

"Zlo sent L and E back to Coke in two Python's." Ace replied, "Coke wants you two to get on the inside to Zlo and then report back. He needs to see what that Russian bastard has planning-"
I shook my head, "I don't like the sound of this, at all. Lennon and Eliza are dead because they tried to get close to Zlo, did they even meet him?"

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