[chapter four- underworld]

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"She's gone!" I roared as I shoved Ace up against the concrete wall, "They took her! I've traced this hotel up and down for the past two hours and all I could find was one of her hoop earrings."

Ace raised his hands up into the air, "Listen N-"
My hands gripped tightly on his shoulders, "No you fucking listen! They took my girl and that's the last thing I ever wanted. Demi is my life, my damn life do you hear me? I'll hunt all of those bastards down and kill every single one of them that get in my way till I find her." I seethed.

"As much as you don't want to hear this Big N', this is a good-" Ace began till I pulled him away from the wall, just to slam him back onto it again,

"How the hell is this good? They took Demi!"

"That's the point," He breathed, "Demi is on the inside. She'll get closer to Zlo and it's exactly what Coke needs - what we need."

I released my grip then placed my hands back down to my sides, "What 'we' need?" I laughed bitterly, "I know that you're just a handler who looks at Demi and I as dollar signs, but Demi is the most important person on the planet to me. I promised I would always keep her safe no matter what and after years of doing these shitty missions, I finally failed."

"She's smart. Smarter than you and I combined, we both know that she can handle herself." Ace expressed, "Let me see the hoop earring."
I pulled Demi's silver hoop earring out of my pocket then stared at it as it laid in the palm of my hand, "I already checked it out to see if she left anything behind on it, like a clue or something. She didn't, but you know I've never had to deal with this piece of technology... it was always her."

I handed Ace the earring, "Maybe you missed something.." He brought the silver hoop towards the light and slowly let it move through his fingers.

Ace's eyes lit up at the clip of the earring, "Told you, she's smart as fuck." He pointed towards the silver round circle that was located on the clip, "It might look like a regular earring but I bet if I push this tiny button right here, maybe we could track the other earring to find the location which would lead to where Demi is."

My eyes squinted, trying my best to focus on the clip, "How do you know that's even a button?"

Ace brought his other hand toward the clip, "Well.... we're about to find out Big N' but I'm pretty damn sure that's a button." He placed his finger over the button then pressed down onto it, it clicked almost immediately, "See."

All of a sudden the silver hoop began to light up and beep obnoxiously, "Oh shit." Ace breathed.

"What did you do?"
Ace's eyes widened, "Nothing!" He exclaimed as he quickly handed the earring back to me, "All I did was press the button, damn!"
"Why are you handing it to me?" I placed the hoop into Ace's coat pocket as the earring continued to beep, "You woke it up, you take it!"

"No man! Your girl is booby trapping shit, you take it!" He handed it back to me as fast as he could, without any hesitation I tossed the earring towards nearest dumpster that was in the alley.

The second the earring touched down into the dumpster, a loud boom erupted as blazing flames shot up into the air.

"Well I'll be damned..." Ace breathed, "Demi created an earring with a bomb, that's beautiful."
My head slowly turned back to face him, "If that one blew up because your dumb ass pressed the button... what do you think the other one did?"

"Let's pray that it didn't decide to do the same thing."


I quickly un clipped my hoop earring from my ear lobe and jumped up from my seat, the moment I stood up the barrel of a gun touched my forehead, "What the fuck is that? Give it to me, now." The man with the green button up shirt hissed.

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