(11) "Perfect Weapon"

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HEY EVERY PEOPLES. I wanna say something quick: 116 reads. Wat. Even on the last one, it wasn't even at 100 views--it was at 98, but I knew that someone would read it as soon as it went up--and now it's at 116?! It went up 18 views in four days?! It's probably because I changed the cover. Or the description. Or both. But thank you so much for reading :3 I literally check up on views every hour because it makes me so happy when it escalates. Even if you hate it, thanks for reading :D Also, before this story starts, there will be references to the movie Frozen, so if you haven't seen it, you probably shouldn't read this chapter. Kay bye.


"WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP!" I heard the next morning as a little human was also jumping on the bed. I shot up too quickly from being FREAKING TERRIFIED and ended up falling on the floor. I heard Kalel and Anna laugh.

"Are you okay, babe?" Kalel asked.

I just made a noise that strongly resembled a dying walrus. As I do often. They laughed at me and Elsa woke up from her slumber and waddled over to me. Ever since I brought her home to Kalel, she's been warming up to me.

"Seriously, are you fine?" Kalel repeated.

"I'm okay," I groaned and rolled over. I'd only have a giant bruise on my shoulder, no big deal. I ran a hand over my face. "What time is it?"

"Uh, 9AM," Kalel said. I groaned again. So. Early.

"Hey, Draven," Anna peeked her head over the side of the bed to look down at me.

"Hey, Anna," I smiled at her. She blushed and hid her face in the covers. I laughed at her shyness.

"So why did you wake us up so rudely, Anna?" Kalel said, keeping her voice level.

"I was wondering if you guys wanted to play with me today," Anna said, hopefully.

"Anna, I don't know if-"

"We'd love to," I sat up, interrupting Kalel.

"Yay!" Anna cheered and jumped on the bed.

"Just give us some time to get ready for the day, okay?" I asked.

"Okay!" Anna said happily then ran out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

"As much as I want to hate you for making me agree to do this, I just can't," Kalel sighed.

"Admit it, you love me," I smirked.

"No, I'm pretty sure I hate you," she said confidently.

"Keep saying it, I'm sure you'll believe it soon, kitten," I shrugged then finally stood up. "Now get ready, lazy."

We both got ready in the amount of time that I told Anna we would be done, and I hopped down the staircase. Once I got to the bottom to spot out Anna, I saw two Ashtons sitting on the couch.

"Remember that Ashton has a twin brother," Kalel whispered.

Oh, right. I nodded. "Good morning, Ashton, Anthony."

"Wait, you know my name?" Anthony asked.

I nodded. "Kalel told me about you." He nodded slowly then stood up and held out his hand. "I'm Draven Kjellberg." He continued to nod slowly as if I was speaking a different language and he was trying to tell me to shut up. Was I speaking Swedish and didn't know it? "Kalel's my girlfriend." Nope, definitely English.

"Wait a second," Anthony burst out laughing. "You're trying to tell me that Kalel--the girl with the ratchet rainbow scene hair and extremely blue eyes--has a boyfriend? I thought that she would always be alone! Wow Kalel, for the longest time, I thought you were a lesbian. Who know you could get someone this attractive to like you?"

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