(22) "Hell Above"

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TODAY IS HOMECOMING :D Do you guys have homecoming where you're at? I know that some places don't and that sucks because homecoming is AMAZING! The pep rally was hilarious. These hot guys borderline stripped and it was just awesome. Then the girls had to pop a balloon by sitting on the guys. That one was awkward. This one girl like twerked on this one guys crotch. He was so scared. Then I got to wear my friend's jersey so that's cool I guess. But I don't wanna go to the dance. Screw that. I kind of have to though. Shootskies.

(Dedicated to dancingteen8 for liking most of my chapters :D )


"Thanks again for helping me out at that dinner thing the other night," Melody said. "I had a lot of fun with you."

"I did too," I smiled. "It sucks I couldn't go to Vegas with you."

"Yeah, why couldn't you?" she asked.

"Long story, don't wanna talk about it," I said.

"Well, either way, I want to make it up to you in more way than one," she declared. "Not only as a favor, but as a party as well."

"A party?" I asked.

"Have you ever been to one?" she asked me. I shook my head. Melody just smirked. "This is going to be fun."

• • • • • •

"Draven this is a horrible idea and you know it."

"Oh, Taylor, don't be such a sourpuss," I shook my head. "This is going to be a ton of fun." 

"Draven," Roman stumbled over to me, a can of beer in his hands. "This party is...so good," he chuckled.

"See? Roman's having fun," I pointed to him.

"He so drunk, he doesn't even know his last name," Taylor rolled his eyes. "There's a difference between being drunk and having fun."

"Not really," Roman shook his head. "I'm both drunk and having fun."

"Taylor, it will be fine," I assured him. "Melody and I spent two hours planning this party and it's going to be amazing. No police will show up, it's just a few kids having a small get-together."

"More like two hundred kids getting together to drink and listen to obnoxiously loud music," Taylor directed to the scene around him. "How will this look on a college application?"

"I'm a prince. I'm sure I could get into any college of my choice," I shot back.

"Draven, you look so tense. You need to unwind," Melody stumbled over to me, clearly tipsy. She handed me a blue Solo cup half-filled with some sort of liquid. 

"What is this?" I asked.

"Alcohol," she said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Duh," I rolled my eyes. "I meant what kind?"

"Oh. Half iced tea, half Vodka," she said.

I looked down at the drink in my hands. I knew this was a bad idea, but something just kept pulling on me that I should drink it. I've been through a lot, so I need to unwind. Plus, it's legal to drink in my native country. And I'm young. I can live for one night. I shrugged and brought the cup up to my lips, downing the whole thing in one swig. Honestly, it tasted horrible and it felt like it was burning my throat as it traveled to my stomach, but I liked the feeling it gave me after I drank it. I had the jitters and I felt light-headed. Though it was probably just the nerves.

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