chapter 35

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Ally didn't know how to respond. How could she?

He brother just left her. For good without a proper reason.

She never got to say goodbye. She never got to do anything.

So Ally cried.

She cried.


Ally POV

What am I supposed to do?

He left me!

He left without a good bye. He never got to say goodbye.

He never told me why he was leaving me. Did I do something wrong? Again?

I mean that's why he left me last time.

If its not that then why did he leave me?

Alex was the only family I had left. Mum and dad aren't here no more. I only ever had Alex and no matter what he did, he was everything I had.

When he disappeared the first time I wanted to kill myself. I couldn't handle not having him around. He was the only brother I had.

He was my family. My very small family.

No one was ever going to replace him.

Alex once again chose the easy way out. He never faced his problems and if he did he just made more.

He always ran.

Maybe I should do that too. Should i choose the easy way out again?





~Maddy xx

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