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Keena, Unknown and Eterna descended from the sky onto a grassy hill, reforming from their shadowy figures. Unknown released Keena's hand, who then took a few steps forward. He looked around, viewing a beautiful landscape of several large hills, luscious green grass, manmade dirt trails, and a glistening blue lake along the horizon. Centauri was high in the sky and shined down on everything. To their right, a bit further in the distance, Keena could make out what appeared to be the outline of several low-top buildings. He took a deep breath as a small breeze came to them.

"The air is so fresh" Keena commented.

"It's a predominantly green planet; there's very little waste" Eterna said.

"So, where's Leopold?"

"He lives on the outskirts of Emerald City, northeast of here" Unknown said.

"Oh. Was the, uh... teleport-thingy a bit off?"

"No, myKeena. We figured you would like to explore a little first"

"Oh... that was pretty thoughtful of you guys. So, should we head that way?"

Keena pointed towards the structures.

"If that is your wish" Unknown said.

Keena nodded, then headed toward the city, Unknown and Eterna following behind him.


The city's structure was of many low-top buildings, all mostly made of stone. Humans and Sqwirks walked all around. The setting made Keena think of an Old West town meets Steampunk, as there were several mechanical inventions to behold: Tricycles, bird-like mechanical contraptions flying near citizens, steam-powered wheelchairs, some folks with mechanical limbs, and much more. The garb was reminiscent of 19th century English style. The Sqwirks were burly people, both men and women. Seemingly all the men had long, distinguished facial hair and short head hair, while the women had long hair and no facial hair, either braided or combed straight. All of it was very thick on both genders. None of them were by any means ugly in Keena's opinion. The men looked a bit gruff, regardless of age, while the women had more smooth, youngish faces. The humans themselves actually looked as if they were from 19th century England.

The trio soon came upon a building in particular where a song was being sung in acapella by what sounded like a large group in unison.

"Care for a quick sample, myKeena?" Eterna asked.

"Might as well" Keena responded.

The three entered what was unmistakably a pub. Due to their height, Unknown and Eterna's heads almost touched the ceiling, and they had to bend down just to get inside. The establishment was very clean, with furnishings entirely made of a finely polished wood which shined brightly from the light emanating from the many crystal chandeliers. In the very center was a large, circular counter with a single Sqwirk man working behind it and several kegs all around him. His hair was dark brown and slicked to both sides parted at the middle, while his incredibly long mustache and beard were braided. Hanging from the ceiling above him was a green sign that read "Gibb's DéBrew" in Old English font. Booths and windows lined the walls, while several round and rectangular tables filled the rest of the space. All the waitresses were Sqwirks as well, and very beautiful. They all had their hair tied in buns, and wore Oktoberfest-style dresses. All the patrons seemed to be happy, as there were cheers, singing, and laughs of plenty. The three walked up to the counter.

"What can I get ye' fine lads an' lass?" said the Pubkeep, his voice a bit raspy.

"Three Fineshines please" Eterna said.

"Righ' away. That'll be fifteen stones"

Eterna reached into her right front coat pocket and pulled out fifteen shiny, black, rock-like objects shaped a bit like Ring Pops, and held them over the counter.

THE ETERNALIA SERIES: Transcendence/KeenaWhere stories live. Discover now