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Cheers and applause erupted from the village onlookers as the Ora walked towards the body of their defeated foe. Xakk stuck his Zenkku in the ground before kneeling down and holding Keena's before him.

"That was amazing, you guys!" Keena said with a smile.

"myKeena" Xakk said, sounding almost forcibly humbly while looking down.

Keena took his sword back and cut his thumb open, allowing the blood that was on the blade to return inside. He sheathed his sword as Xakk stood and sheathed his as well. Keena looked at Unknown.

"Okay, so how do I turn... this... off?" Keena asked, pointing at his face is a minor panic.

"Close your eyes as tight as you can. You will feel lightheaded for a moment. When it passes, open" Unknown replied.

Keena did as instructed. He opened his eyes and saw things "normally" once again. He then joined the others in staring at the Warrioress's body.

"She's still alive, isn't she?" Keena asked.

"All the better" Unknown said as he bent down.

Unknown grabbed the Warrioress by the neck and lifted her up as he stood.

He pulled her close, and bit down into her neck tightly. Shocked by this (but almost as if he were expecting it), Keena turned to Xakk.

"I thought we weren't vampires!" Keena said hastily.

"We aren't, myKeena. But we are similar in some ways" Xakk said.

Eterna gathered a small sample of the alien blood off the ground with two fingers. She then conjured a small glass ball around it and slid her fingers through the glass, containing the blood within. But just as she was getting up, a transparent red beam descended from the sky around the Warrioress's body and her weapon, removing both from sight before itself fading away, leaving Unknown to lick his lips.

"Um... what?" Keena asked, confused as he stared into the sky.

Unknown suddenly grunted and walked away from the group a few steps, clutching his stomach.

"Baby!" Eterna yelled as she dashed after him.

Keena and Xakk followed quickly as well; Unknown dropped to his knees and threw up a puddle of clear liquid. The liquid immediately ate away at the ground it touched, creating a deep, smoking hole that sunk deeper at an alarming rate. Eterna bent down and rubbed his back.

"Babe, what's wrong?! Are you alright?!" she asked worryingly.

Unknown coughed briefly, then nodded. Keena glanced at the hole with wide eyes.

Stomach acid, minus the stomach part?!? Geez, is there anything inside of us that isn't dangerous?! Keena thought to himself.

He looked back at Unknown, who got to his feet with a bit of help.

"What happened?" Xakk asked.

"I got some information" Unknown said.

"But are you okay?" Keena asked, very quickly.

"myKeena" Unknown assured with a nod.

Keena looked at the hissing, sizzling hole.

"Are you sure?" he asked again.

Unknown nodded once more.

"Alright; so what did you find out?"

Before Unknown could answer, attention was cut back towards the castle as many more guards emerged, gathering around the survivors and the slain.

THE ETERNALIA SERIES: Transcendence/KeenaWhere stories live. Discover now