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Keena, Unknown, and Eterna appeared back in Ann Arbor across the street from Michelle's house by way of teleport. The instant they appeared, a fiery creature leapt at them. Eterna drew her Zenkku Blade from behind and sliced it in half before Keena even had time to flinch. The flames around the creature puffed out, and it immediately turned into grey ashes which lightly fell to the ground.

"What the hell-?!" Keena shouted.

The three of them focused on Michelle's house, which Xina and Erisn were standing in front of, Zenkkus drawn and poised to attack any approaching threat. Keena and Unknown both drew their swords as well and prepared to join them. Before the three could take two steps, a circle of fire drew itself around them, and a group of the same creatures crawled from the ground, taking place of the flames. They were tripedal, each bony limb complete with three fingers with long, black talons. Their bodies looked like mutated, steroid-enhanced canines. Their long, plated, spiny tails were tipped with razor sharp blades. They had a singular eye above enlarged mouths that were full of daggered teeth, and had wild, black hair strands sticking out all over their backs. Their "skin" was orange, and each one was combusted with flames burning all over them. Keena, Unknown, and Eterna readied themselves and glared right back at the creatures.

"So, what do we have here?" Keena asked.

"Hellhounds; basic demons. Not much of a threat, to us at least" Unknown said.

"I don't think it's us they're really here for" Eterna said.

The trio slowly walked forward, spreading in a triangular formation. Seconds later, each of them had five of the hounds jump towards them. Each disposed of their attackers in their own fashion; Unknown managed to make a horizontal swipe that took out all five of his at once, Eterna stabbed two, slashed two, and grabbed hold of the last one, while Keena swiped each of his individually very quickly. The one in Eterna's grasp struggled for a moment to get free, to which she strengthened her grip to the point of crushing the hound's thick throat. The ashes of all spilled quickly.

The trio reunited hurriedly with Xina and Erisn.

"Is everyone alright?" Keena asked.

"Yes, myKeena. Although, I don't think Michelle's is going to take this very well" Erisn said.

"What, is she still asleep or something?"

The sidewalk on both their sides sparked with long lines of flame, releasing another wave of demons. Erisn threw her sword down one side, making it spin at incredible speed. Xina stabbed the ground, unleashing massive spikes that rose from the ground one in front of another down the sidewalk, impaling each hound that approached before submerging back. Erisn's sword split an entire row down her side as well, which then returned to her like a boomerang.

"Well, ready or not, looks like it's time for her to go. Unknown, Eterna, see to it" Keena instructed.

Unknown and Eterna nodded, then proceeded into Michelle's house.

"Scout the area; get rid of these things and save whoever's in trouble. I'll hold em off here"

Erisn and Xina nodded, then Warp-Jumped out of sight.

Who do you think's behind this, and why? Kytalia asked Keena telepathically.

I dunno, but looks like we arrived just in-

Perfect timing came a twisted, sinister version of Keena's voice via telepathy as well.

"No... oh God, please no..." Keena said to himself with dread.

THE ETERNALIA SERIES: Transcendence/KeenaWhere stories live. Discover now