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Keena, Erisn, Xakk, and Ova walked back through the dark portal Erisn had conjured earlier, closing itself once all had gone through. Looking around, Keena concluded they were on the opposite end of the Twin Mountains he had first arrived on, as the land was practically the same aside from a new path that led down a slope and into a deep forest area.

As he stretched his body, Keena also noticed the sky was darker than it was previously, but lighter than where they'd just came from.

"Were we just on the other side of the planet?" Keena asked, astounded.

"Yes, myKeena" Erisn said.

"Geez. How long were we there?"

"Five hours"

"Why am I not tired? For that matter, why am I not hungry or thirsty at all?"

"You will learn more about our anatomy during your introductory course in the catacombs, myKeena" Ova answered.

"Oh. Well then, guess I'd better get started, huh?" Keena said.

Ova nodded and walked towards the path in between the mountains. Keena followed behind him while Xakk slid ahead of Keena on his right side, as he did earlier, while Erisn was at the back. They came to the narrow pass, walking in single file along the very long and curvy pathway. Eventually, they came upon entryways into both mountains in the form of hollowed out tunnels, located directly in the middle of the path. Ova stopped as soon as Keena was placed in between each entrance, then turned to face him.

"The path to your left will lead you to where you shall learn the ways of the Zenkku, Kyzjek, and develop in all manners pertaining to physical capabilities and melee. The path to the right will lead you to where you shall discover and hone all facets of your powers, supernatural abilities, and magic" Ova explained.

"What's Kyzjek?" Keena asked.

"An Ora-developed martial art, myKeena"

Keena stared down both pathways, anxious to see what lied beyond.

"Which would you advise I choose first? And how long do you think I should stay in each one" he asked.

"I would advise training your body's physical traits first. I've found it gives you a helpful edge when delving into the more advanced aspects of our capabilities. As for a length of time spent in each, there is no right or wrong answer; move at your own pace and do whatever feels natural to you"

Keena nodded slowly, as that made sense to him.

"Would you like any of us to accompany you, myKeena?" Xakk asked.

"Hm? Oh, no, thank you. I uh... think maybe I should do this myself. You guys go ahead and do whatever you please. I promise I'll call for assistance should I need it. I mean... I can do that, right? There's like, a telephone or some kind of lifeline I can use?" Keena asked, a tad nervously.

"The Ora are always ready to heed ourKeena's call; simply call out for any of us and we shall be there" Ova answered.

Keena felt reassured by this, and thus nodded at him in understanding. Ova and Xakk nodded before Warp-Jumping out of sight, while Erin passed by Keena and entered the doorway opposite of his, walking till she was no longer in view.

Keena fully turned towards the entrance to the left and began inside. Before long, he discovered he could see perfectly in the dark as well.

These are like, the greatest eyes ever, and I have a feeling it gets even better he thought to himself.

THE ETERNALIA SERIES: Transcendence/KeenaWhere stories live. Discover now