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Steadily, over the course of about a month, Mabel found herself more and more astounded at the actions of her 'sister'.

While Daphne had embraced her transformation, she never really was very feminine (Unlike Mabel), she didn't like boys or wearing makeup, she didn't wear dresses or go out shopping. Her behaviour had mostly stayed the same after the transformation.

But, one day, Mabel had found her 'sister' wearing a skirt. Mabel hadn't really thought anything of it, after all, Daphne had already tried on skirts in the first few weeks after the transformation, but decided it wasn't for her, maybe she was trying them again?

A few days after that, however, Mabel watched as Daphne went out to buy makeup, then a week later Daphne was doing it again.

This was the last straw. Mabel was fine with Daphne becoming more feminine, actually she wanted it, but this... didn't feel right... like someone was pulling the strings.

After a month and half of this, Mabel talked to her friends about it "I'm just worried about her!" Mabel said

"It is very puzzling, for her to just suddenly change like that. " Noted Candy

"I saw her shopping with other girls, I think one might have been Pacifica!" Bellowed Grenda.

"WHAT? MY SISTER EAS HANGING OUT WITH... PACIFICA????" Mabel shouted, lerrjgn half the town hear it.

The next day Mabel confronted Daphne about it, and then came the most shocking thing...

As Mabel went ranting on and on to her sister, she noticed something strange, Daphne's pupils started to dilate (not that Mabel knew what that meant)-seeming as though something had altered in her head- and, after Mabel's rant, Daphne was silent, then she fainted.

After about 15 minutes of panicking and crying, Daphne woke up. Mabel immediately thrust her arms around her sister. Her sister replied " What is it Mabel I'm trying to sleep."

When Mabel was done hugging her, Daphne got up, and walked over to a mirror (to fix her hair, which Mabel had messed up), she took one look at her outfit. And shrieked in horror.

After about an hour of talking, it turned out that something had infected Daphne's mind and put the real Daphne in a kind of 'coma'.

It didn't take long for them to realise the one who would be behind it,

Bill Cipher...

Just Friends (Timeline 1 BillDip) | A Gravity Falls StoryWhere stories live. Discover now