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Just mere hours after discovering what had happened, Daphne was acting irregularly again. Mabel and he rest of the family knew that this was a serious problem.

Bill Cipher had often coaxed and brainwashed people to do what he wanted, but never in this way. What would he have to gain by a more feminine Daphne? Unless something sinister was going on...

There had been pages written in the journals that explained a kind of secret power that only a few humans possessed, but only 1 page remained after Bill had ripped out pages earlier that year.

They ended up deciding to take the fight to Bill and to summon him. The same ritual that doomed Gravity Falls 2 years ago.

The ritual was held outside the shack and Bill was expecting them," Well... looks who's come crawling back!" Hissed Bill

"Give me back my sister!" Shouted Mabel

"Oh Mabel, I haven't done anything, this is just Dipper's true feelings coming into the light rather than the original socially awkward one."

Mabel was shocked surely this couldn't be her sister's real feelings. She'd known Daphne for her whole life and who was Bill to tell her that all she knew was wrong?

Mabel began to feel tears well up in her eyes and slide down her face. She fell to one knee as Bill took Daphne to his lair.

Not realising what had just happened, Mabel charged and tried to hit Bill, but instead ending up punching air.

Mabel ran inside and locked the door to the attic, not allowing anyone to go in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2018 ⏰

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