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Lyra (1)

"Lyra, you're back!" Bolin exclaimed when he saw me walk into the gym. He ran over to me and hugged me tightly, picking me up and spinning me around. I laughed, "I was only gone for a day Bolin!"

"Are you coming to the match tonight?" He asked me after he put me down.

"You ask me every time and the answer is the same every time. I never miss a match." I replied with a head shake.

"You've missed one." Mako said as he walked into the gym. I jokingly rolled my eyes. "It was my birthday!"

"That's why I let it slide." Mako replied with a smirk. "How was the South Pole?"

"Cold." I said. "A lot of snow. How was Republic City while I was gone?"

"Boring!" Bolin groaned. "You're the life of the party!"

I winked while clicking my tongue and shooting him a finger.

"We did miss you." Mako nodded. "I missed you."

When he turned away, I felt my cheeks warm up. I slightly jumped when Bolin placed his arm around me, "Is it hot in here or is it just me?" I nudged him and we laughed.

"Alright guys, show me what you got!" I clapped my hands together and waited for them to start practicing. "Wait... where's Hasook?"

Mako scoffed, "You're boyfriend decided not to show up."

"He's not my boyfriend! It was one date!"

"Whatever. He better show us he didn't need it tonight."

"He will." I nodded, "He's good."

"Why don't you practice with us?" Bolin asked. "The more you train, the more qualified you'll be to get on a pro-bending team."

I shook my head with a nervous smile, "I don't want to be a pro-bender."

"Sure you do! It's been your dream since we were kids!" Bolin reminded me.

Before I could respond, a man came rushing into the gym. "Lyra, your father is here to get you."

I stood up and nodded to the man and he left in a rush. I turned back to Mako and Bolin and gave them a small smile. "I'll see you tonight."

I ran out of the gym and made my way out of the arena. I saw my dad anxiously waiting for me and I slowed my pace when I reached him. "Everything okay dad?"

"We have to head to the police station." He said before starting to walk the way to headquarters. I walked beside him, "For?"

"You'll see."

"Why does this involve me?"

"You'll see."

I didn't ask any more questions since I'll get the same answer every time.

I looked up to him and he looked like he had something to say. "What's on your mind pops?"

"You spend an awful lot of time in that place." He implied. I shrugged, "I'm not doing anything illegal."

"I know that. But why?" Tenzin asked. I chuckled, "You do your own thing and I do my own thing." He eyed me from the corner of his eye.

"Kidding. I told you already. My best friends are pro-benders." I stated. "And they live there, so..."

"How come I've never met these 'best friends'?"

I shrugged. "Maybe soon."

When we made it to headquarters, an officer lead us to Chief Beifong. Probably one of my favorite humans on this Earth.

The officer informed the Chief that my dad was here and soon the medal doors slid open.

Once we walked in, the medal doors shut closed.


I snapped my head forward and grinned, "Korra!"

"Sorry, I got a little side tracked on my way to see you." She joked. I walked over to the other side of the table and gave her a small hug. "What are you doing here?" I whispered. "And I don't mean in Republic City."

"Lin, you are looking radiant as usual." My dad complimented. "Cut the garbage Tenzin. Why is the Avatar in Republic City?" Beifong asked. "I thought you were supposed to be moving down to the South Pole to train her."

"My relocation has been delayed. The Avatar, on the other hand, will be heading back to the South Pole immediately." Tenzin replied. "Where she will stay put."


"If you will be so kind as to drop the charges against Korra, I will take full responsibility for todays regrettable events and cover all the damages."

Beifong sighed, "Fine." With just a wave, the medal cuffs around Korra's wrists were off. "Get her out of my city."

"Always a pleasure. Let's go Korra, Lyra."

As we walked out, I turned and waved to Beifong who gave me a sarcastic smile. Once we were in the stations office, Korra stopped to talk to my dad. "Tenzin, please. Don't send me back home."

"You blatantly disobeyed my wishes and the orders of the White Lotus."

"Katara agreed with me that I should come. She said my destiny is in Republic City!"

"Don't bring my mother into this!" My father's head turned red and I put my hand over my mouth to hide my smile.

"Look, I can't wait any longer to finish my training. Being cooped up and hidden away from the world isn't helping me become a better Avatar! I saw a lot of the city today and it's totally out of wack. I understand now why you need to stay. Republic city does need you, but it needs me too!"

"You- uh... ugh..." My dad didn't know how to argue back after Korra's words. Before anyone could interject, an officer came in with Naga. "Is this your polar-bear dog miss?"

I laughed at how Naga licked the officer's head and made his hair turn into an ice cream shape.

"We need to get back to the island." My dad said before walking out of the station. Korra frowned, trailing behind Tenzin.

I took Naga's reigns and followed my dad and Korra.

The Longing ⇝ BOOK 1 > LOK [Avatar: TLAB-LoK Watty Awards 2018]Where stories live. Discover now