Chapter 1 ~ Strange Woman

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"WAKE UP TIANA TODAY IS THE DAY!" She yells excitedly. "Uggghhh give me a few...." I say while turning on my side again. I slowly start to doze off again. Ms. Fran storms in the room with a big bang on the wall. "TIANA YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE UP AN HOUR AGO!" She yells. "Yea yea yea don't get your dollar store skirt in a bunch." I say annoyed. I might be a little offensive, but I'm seclusive person what do you expect? Cookies and rainbows?
Ms. Fran is one of those people who only work for the money. I see she's trying to grind and all, but she doesn't love kids at all. Maybe she had a heart before because what she used to be was much better than now. That's what the older teens say, but I don't believe it at all. Words of wisdom from the "Elders" also known as teens 16-18.
My dream job is to become a social worker or a therapist for kids. I want to be a better kid social worker to prove Ms.Fran also known as an excuse of a social worker how to do it. Now where were we? Oh yea back to Ms. Fran and her bitchy mood. Ugh.
  "TIANA TODAY IS OPEN HOUSE AND YOU NEED TO BE ON YOUR BEST BEHAVIOR!" She went on and on. All I can hear is "YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER!" Blah blah blah. "YOU SHOULD STOP WITH YOUR SNOTTY REMARKS!" Yatah yatah yatah. "You know what this is not happening on open house I'm done with you." She storms out the same way she came in. "You seem to really ticked her off" Rose says with a chuckle. "I know right I've never seen her head that red." I laughed.
    I got dressed in a red shirt with black jeans and black Converse. Which were a little dirty, but hey gotta use what you got. The only reason I even have these types of shoes is because Ms.Sinclaire. When she adopted me and saw me in some busted up sneakers she was mad. That same day she drove me to the shoe store and got me two pairs of Converse and three pairs of Vans. I wasn't the nicest to her on the first day, but when she did that I earned this type of respect for her.
   I walk in where all the children are either sitting or playing. The social workers or sw make this event seem so important when the whole point of this is to seem casual. I sat next to Rose. "I hope I get picked" She says with her fingers crossed. "I hope you do too." I say patting her on the back. "Why don't you sing to calm you down?" I suggest. "What about Girl on Fire?" Rose starts to slowly hum the song tune and then starts softly singing it. I know sooner or later while she's singing a adult will notice her and Rose will get adopted today for sure.
   Here's what basically happens on open house. Parents come in while we act normal and stuff. Then they see us and request to adopt the child they have chosen. After they go in a room with Ms. Link to tell her which one they see and want to talk with. Then you go into the room talk and the person chooses whether if they want to adopt you or not. Then there's your home. Seems easy right? Well it's not! I'm a living example of that.
   The little kids have all the hope while people my age and up don't care about being adopted. Most of the teens have given up on getting adopted and waiting till college or when they turn eighteen. That's me... I'm one of those teens.
   Rose was the second to get called in. I'm proud of her and my methods. Let me tell you I knew my plan would work. Pure genius! I sit reading a book while kids get called in. Then after they get sent into another room. I'm getting ready to go back to the room and something unexpected happened. "Tiana someone wants to adopt you! Come on in!" Ms.Link says softly. I was so confused. I walked awkwardly to the room. I started examining the room, and saw a woman. "Hello Tiana my name is Angie, and I want to adopt you." She said with a calming tone. My mouth dropped...I was shocked!

To be Continued

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To be Continued...

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