Chapter 4 ~ Police station

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I ran over hoping that it was Cardi and Angie in disguise. I ran over and yelled "ANGIE!" turns out it wasn't Angie or Cardi , it was two people in fashionable coats. Like that would have been them based off of a coat.

I went over the police's desk. "Excuse me I need to find my adopted mom" I said shyly. I don't do police , well some. It's a personal thing.

"Do you know a phone number sweetie or a name." The police said. "I don't know a phone number , but I do know a name." I say. If I say Cardi B. there's a hundred percent chance he won't believe me. It's like saying Beyoncé is my mom. Unbelievable right. I still have to try or I'm stuck here.

"Cardi B. Is my mom." I blurted out. There was a pause after I said that. Will he believe or will he not?

"Haha is this supposed to be a joke girl." He laughed. "No joke sir." I say with a straight face. "Go on this is a serious place of business not some joke." He says. I knew it I knew it. I went to sit on a bench. Nobody believes kids anymore or teens for that matter.After my ranting in my head an officer approached me.

"We're calling your mom right now sorry for the mix up." He says with a smile. I wonder what changed their mind believing I was Cardi's daughter.Maybe a change of heart. Then I heard the tv.

"Cardi B. has a new adopted daughter her name is not known know, but hopefully soon." The news reporter says. So that's why. Probably a whole segment about me. "She cried on national tv." Or "Poor baby just couldn't take the press." I'm going to be this little weak girl on tv.

I ran away, got lost, and I'm on tv. Cardi will never want me after this I should start heading to the adoption center.

I go to walk out the door. I get stopped by.....

To be continued....

Sorry it took so long to update I was sick.

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