Chapter 3 ~ Where am I?

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I start to wake up. Where am I!?? What happened to me I need to get out of here! I'm still a little dazed but I'll be fine to walk. I have this aching headache. It hurts so bad. Ow I need some Tylenol or something .

I look around and the room is plain looks like a guest room. The dressers are empty so is the closet. I walk over to the mirror. "Ew my hair is a mess!" I say while touching my messy hair. Well I should look around while I'm here.

I walk out of the room into the hallway. I pass by room doors. I'm not going to bother to look in them, I'm too lazy. The hallway is well decorated and designed. Like some interior designers worked on it. On the wall it has pictures of family vacations, like Hawaii and some other places I haven't been to. That's on the beach. I haven't really traveled out of New York.

I've only lived in New York my whole life that's me stayed in one place kind of girl. New York is my home and the place I love. The only place I've been. Im basically a bear in hibernation. Just there.

I start walking again. I walk into what I think is the living room. It's giant I barely could tell. There is a giant tv and fireplace, and I see more pictures might as well look at one or two.

I stumbled across this photo that said...

"Congratulations Di'Anna James and Jace James on your wedding!"Her dress was beautiful. A long white dress. That's what I want for my special day. True love the most amazing thing awww.

I move on to another picture. "Happy birthday Maria!" That cake these people must be rich. It's a giant Dora cake. I don't even get a cake for my birthday , the best thing I get is from my friend Rebecca is a cupcake and her annual birthday song.

The door starts to open. I run to hide behind the couch. To hide. Wouldn't you do the same , in a strangers house , who you don't know, and your a teen. Seems pretty creepy. I hear people walking in.

"Mom can we go roller skating after this." A girl say annoyed.. She sounds about my age. "Maria soon." Di' Anna I'm guessing said.

Another person walked through the door. "Mom when could we get ice cream." I recognized that voice it was...

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To be Continued....

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