Chapter 6 ~ Back at the Hospital

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So maybe I was exaggerating about dieing. I'm in a hospital again. I'm connected to tubes. I look around to find a doctor but no luck. I wonder how long I have been out. As I watch a doctor enter I get nervous. "Well your finally awake it's been awhile." The Doctor said sweetly. You can tell she works with kids maybe a pediatrician. I don't really know, but her voice is soft like I never heard before. Hearing it makes me feel calm and relaxed he's kinda cute too. In his 20's looking like a meal. "Nice to see you up." He says while his hand is on my shoulder. His hand are so soft. "You were in a coma." He says soothingly. "How long?" I say. "A year." He replies bluntly. I start to gain anxiety and fidgeting with my fingers. "Relax relax it was for two days. I was just using hospital jokes." He says while laughing. At this point I want to smack him and yell. I guess I can take a joke for once or whatever, but if he wasn't cute I would be extra mad. "You seem to have fractured your wrist and suffered from minor brain damage overall I think you will be ok." He smiled. I really want to ask this question. Time to be bold

"Name?" Doctor I'm guessing Fredrick said based on the name tag. "Tiana Gr-" I stopped myself. I don't know whether to use my birth name, or a fake name, maybe Cardi's last name. The doctor just stares at me I think he knows who I am. "Wait a sec aren't you C-" a nurse stops him. She whispers in his ear I think he needs to see another patient. They both rush off to another room. I position myself into a sleeping position and realized my pettiness.Tears started falling down my face not about running away it's the fact that she's worrying about me while I was out here being selfish. I start to notice press waiting outside of my door and a lot of flowers and teddy bears. I start to see the stock pile of cards. KITKATS! I grab one of the packages and shove it in my mouth. I haven't had one of these in awhile.

I grab a card and start to read it. "Dear Tiana your appreciated I'm in an adoption home to as a teen and you inspire to have hope in getting adopted. "Your story is amazing and I hope you will be able to see this letter I wrote." I grab another and another until one in s gold type of paper. It's from.....BEYONCE!!!! "Girl we need to stand together in this world. Us ladies need to stand united. Please get through this we need someone like you. Rough beginnings can give the key to success." I start to cry after reading that letter. "All these teddy bears I must be appreciated." I start hugging one and thinking about Cardi. The doctor enters again. "We have someone who wants to see you and claims she's related to you. "How are you feelin Tiana?" I knew that voice anywhere. I ran to the door and jumped on her. She was startled. "I could never forget about you because we are family always and forever" She holds me tight.

I know at this point your probably guessing who, but it has to remain a mystery. Which brings us to the question who could it be Rose, Offset, maybe Beyoncé find out in the next part of the story.

Adopted By Cardi B.Where stories live. Discover now