Chapter 6 ~ Violence

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One word that is not uncommon in New York. There is violence everywhere , even in the most beautiful places. Have we caused violence, maybe that's a question that might get some people thinking. Why does violence even exist? I honestly can't answer that question. Can you?

How will I make it to be honest. In New York. I'm surprised I haven't gotten mugged or taken away yet. Tbh how has my little ass has not been kidnapped.

Back to the main reason why I have been thinking of this is should I save him? Risk my own for someone else. "I'm sorry dude " I whispered, I started running and got tackled. For real?! I barely got a good distance!!

I started to black out slowly while moving my arms back and forth. I felt my body being lifted. "She will make us a lot of money" One man said. "We should sell her." Another said. I heard sirens and they started running off with me. I was on this man's shoulders. He felt rough, cold , with arm muscles. I was fading quickly I couldn't take this intense pain. My I completely blacked out.

The Next Day

I start to slowly wake up as I hear voices talking. "We got a girl boss." A man says. You can only hear mumbles of the boss. "She's in there." The other man says. I hear footsteps coming my way. I heard the boss gasp like something was stuck in her/his throat.

The boss quickly rushes toward the room grabbing a man. I get up from the bed and ran quickly over near the door to listen in.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU BOTH!" The boss yelled. I knew it was a man right after that yell. "Boss what do you mean?" The man who carried me said. "SHES PART OF THE MARTINI FAMILY ONCE THEY FIND OUT WE HAVE HER THIS GANG IS DONE!" The boss shouts with anger. I hear him walking back and forth. "We need to find some way to get her out without them on our backs." The boss said with anger , but quietly.

I hear footsteps near the door and darts back to the bed. "I know your not sleeping." He says. "I'm Teo." Teo says welcoming. His voice makes me tingle for some reason. I decided the act is up and open my eyes.

Teo was hot not gonna lie. He looked like he's 14-15 . With curly brown hair. He got on some good Jordans. Muscular arms . Not threatening muscular he's just fit. You can see his abs through his shirt. I'm not gonna lie he was making me drool.

"Are you ok?" Teo said with a laugh. His laugh has me speechless. This boy has me in my feelings no doubt.

"TEO!" The boss yelled. "Yes dad." Teo responded politely. "What are you doing in here?!" The boss said. "Bringing our guest food. She looked hungry." Teo said with a bland voice while being polite at the same time. I feel bad for him. A kidnapper father and all.

Teo put the plate next to me as some other tall man with a note walks in. I hear him whisper. "It's from the Martinis and their pissed we have the girl." Who are the Martinis? What do they want with me? This all makes no whole sense. Where the fuck am I?

"Teo out now." He said calmly. Teo's dad aka the boss came closer to me. "How such a little girl cause so much trouble." He said and touched my arm. I pulled my arm away from him and start running. I hear him shouting , but only my freedom does.

There is a mixture of hallways , but I don't care to stop. I just run and run. I finally found a back door. There is a whole fence and a bunch of trees. I climb the fence quickly as I hear an announcement. "THE GIRL HAS ESCAPED FIND HER NOW!" I climbed faster after hearing that. Now I have to jump and into the woods I go.

I'm jump the fence and scraped my knees. Both of my knees start to bleed and I can feel the burning, but I still run through the woods. I just needed to get away. After 30 minutes of running I feel tired. I faint. I barely got breakfast and the lack of food and sleep got to me. This might be my final days.

Goodbye Tiana.

Good bye world.

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