Prologue 1

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"Sometimes even to live is an act of courage"
Age: 15

Date: Aperire, XX, XXX

Unknown P.O.V

Why am I here?

Why am I born into this world?

Is it still worth living here?

I keep on telling these questions over and over, but there are no answers. No solution.

They all make fun of me. How I look, how I walk, and how I face life ahead.

I sit here in these grassy plains inside the forest full of misery. I sit here hoping that something will happen. Some creature will help me, but that is just a fantasy. A myth! I know because no one will ever save me from this pain.

I closed my legs together and I pulled my knees up to my chest to form into a ball-like shape. Curled up in the past, not caring what is happening around me.

As I sulk in my misfortune there was a loud growl coming from inside the forest. The birds flew away quickly, afraid of who made that growl.

I look up from my position and scan the forest for whoever made that growl.

Then suddenly the trees behind me broke apart revealing a monster made out of wood. The logs wrapped around the monster, but having little holes at its side. Its eyes, well its eyes are the problem because it doesn't have any eyes. Its eyes are hallowed and dark making it seem that it has no insides. How can this creature see, I have no idea. Its structure is taller than the trees around me but this creature walks with four legs that was why I did not notice it coming.

I cursed under my breath, forgetting that I was in the Woodlake kingdom. Without permission, I can't get inside. I knew this placed looked familiar. This creature in front of me right now is the castle guard, but it is only a level one monster. Just too be sure that whoever comes in their territory is a threat or not. Well I know that I am NOT a threat, but that does not stop it from making me go out of this kingdom.

I stand up, scared of this giant monster hoping that it would not chase after me. I stepped back, slowly to know if it will pounce at me or not. While I stepped back I kept looking at its hallowed eyes wondering if it can really see me.

Then suddenly this creature moved forward, examining me. I moved backwards, still scared. This kept repeating until I felt a tree behind me. Its face went near me. Then it blows on my face, maybe knowing that I smelled bad. Just when I thought it would leave me alone so I can go out of this place peacefully, it roared at me. Like the same roar I heard awhile ago, but louder. It lashed forward at me.

At that moment I thought of things that might have happened. Would some creature care if I were gone in this world? Would I live a happy life if I were to survive? Or will I just continue feeling pain and misery every time I walk? This could be my chance to just disappear. For no one to care. But for some reason in the back of my mind I still wanted to survive. With the pain I felt all these years and I still wanted to survive?! I don't know why, but I feel like I would miss something big if i were to be gone. So I did what my mind was telling me

I ran

I ran opposite of where the creature was. I ran without knowing where to go. I ran as fast as these legs could take me. I ran and it was the first time I felt more alive all these years.

The creature ran after me. Even if I was small, I could outrun this monster.

I looked around and spot a vine I could climb, an old ladder I could use, and some trees that are taller than the creature. But I didn't choose any of these items use.

Because one that vine could snap at my weight,

Two the same thing could happen to the ladder,

Three it would take time for me to climb that tree if it is taller than that creature,

And four one thing that I hate about myself that other people notice about me, saying that I don't belong in this world.

I don't have arms

I was born with this problem and my parents always protected me about this. They love me even if I am a bother to them. And I love them back for it, but ever since the incident I never saw them again. After that day creatures would bully me for being like this. Making fun of me for having this problem. I don't believe it, but after all the insults and the injuries they give me I had to believe some of them. I was lost and had no home left. So I went out of that town and ventured out here to where I am now.

While I was running I came across the most beautiful lake I had never seen before. It was sparkling because of the sun, but that is not the reason I think it was beautiful. It is because it was clean. In this region it is so rare to see this kind of water, but I never knew why. Maybe it is because of the other regions not being close to the water, but I never truly understand what it is about. It was spread out by the gossipers of this kingdom.

While I was distracted, the creature see's what I was looking at then it hit me. It hit me so hard that I was flying in the air. I landed near the lake, but I was facing the monster. I coughed and wheezed about the pain that I felt.

The monster came near me, watching what I would do next. I closed my eyes hoping that the monster would just leave me alone, but before I do I heard a voice from some creature. I tried to stay up to look at who that creature is, but my eyes deceived me and I was falling asleep. Before I was unconscious I heard a loud scream.

Then a slice from a sword

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