Chapter 3: Fun?

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^^That is lemon with horns. Think of her whatever you want. With or without horns cuz she is a female deer. (Her eyes are still there, zoom people. ZOOM)

Do stuff. Be clenched, curious. Not waiting for inspiration's shove or society's kiss on your forehead. Pay attention. It's all about paying attention. Attention is vitality. It connects you with others. It makes you eager. Stay eager. 

-Susan Sontag


Date: Ávgoustos XX,XXXX

Present time 

Lemons P.O.V

I wake up early, as usual, doing my morning routines. I looked inside Ci's room to see that she is still fast asleep. That girl never wakes up before eight. She would always say "five more minutes" and just go back to sleep. I, sometimes, agree with her but when she uses it too much then that is the time would forcefully wake her up.

I love making ways for me to wake her up.

Maybe I am sadistic.

Anyways, I went to the kitchen and started making the usual. I already bought the things I need to make, so why do I have to go to the marketplace again.

I woke up Ci and, finally, she got up the second time I called her name. I saw her going to the bathroom so she could wash up.

I prepared the platues and utensils. I put the food in the middle and waited for Ci to come.

She came dressed up. She was wearing a pink dress with flowers at the bottom. She only wears that on special occasions.

"Hey Ci, why are you wearing your special dress?" I asked her

"Don't you remember?"

"Remember what?" I asked, now more curious

She shakes her head "You are so forgetful. I am going to the Melons today"

Oh, now I remember. She asked me yesterday if she could go to their house so she can finish a project with her friend.

"Ok then. Want me to come with you?"

"No, I'm ok." She told me while pulling her seat out so she could sit

"You sure?" I asked her

"Yup I am sure, and if anything happens you know where they live."

We and the Melons were very close. They helped us when we were in trouble. I know I could trust them to keep an eye out for Ci.

"What time are you going to go back?"

She swallowed her food and said "about three if not 4"

I nodded my head and continue eating my food


After lunch, I went to work. Same old work, same old uniform, same old stares. I saw Clementine at the usual spot. She looked at me and smiled. I smiled back at her. For some weird reason, she was excited today. She opened her mouth, but she closed it because she saw that our boss was coming. She looked like a Psári creature.

Well, I continued carrying the food for the creature that had the number five stub. I look around; finally, I saw the creature and gave them their food. It was a family of four. They were all laughing at the younggins jokes.

It was hard not to be jealous when they were a full family, a father, and a mother. How I would love that to happen again, but I was...

I looked away and went back to work.

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