chapter fifteen: Radio

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It's been over a year since Howard gave up looking for Steve. Rosemary is now eight, and I have almost given up hope. The one thing that keeps me searching, is my daughter. She is so young and innocent, but I feel like she is wise beyond her years. Rosemary hasn't given up hope, so I refuse to give up. We had just arrived back in New York after spending the last year in Italy.

I sent a letter to Howard, but I never got a response. I went to town every day, but never a peep from him, or Peggy. It was a bit of a surprise to not hear from them, but I suspect it was the Italian post office. I never knew how bad of an idea it was to go to an obscure town in Italy...

"Mama, when are we going to go see the movie?" Rosemary asked.

"We're going there now," I informed her.

We were just walking towards the movie theatre when we were approached by two men in suits, "Ms. Stark?"

"Yes?" I asked confused as I pushed Rosemary behind me.

"I'm Agent Jack Thompson from the SSR, can you please come with us." He said to me.

I looked at them suspiciously, "why?"

"We need to talk to your brother, but we can't find him. We were hoping you could tell us." Agent Thompson explained.

"Well, I'm sorry, but I have to get my daughter home before I go anywhere with you. The police station, or SSR headquarters is no place for a little girl." I replied.

"Madre, is Uncle Howie okay?" Rosemary asked me as she tugged on my sleeve.

"I'm sure everything is fine darling, I just need Mr. Jarvis to pick you up," I told her gently as I picked her up.

"We can call your butler from the SSR." Agent Thompson said.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, "Si, idioto Thompson..."

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" He asked confused.

I smiled, "Nothing."

"Madre, I want to visit Miss Peggy," Rosemary said as she tugged on my sleeve.

I sighed, "fine." They escorted us to a car and we drove towards the SSR, when we got there, everything was in complete chaos.

"Helena?" Peggy asked me as she walked up. "What are you doing here?"

"Some SSR agents asked me to come so they could ask me about Howard." I explained as Rosemary ran up and hugged Peggy, "they wouldn't let me take her home first."

"Did you not receive my letters?" Peggy asked alarmed.

I looked at her confused, "what letters? What happened to your face Peggy, it's all swollen."

"There is a lot you have to catch up on," Peggy informed me.


"Best the scientists can figure, it's a chemical that induces psychosis upon exposure, which I can personally attest to after Sousa tried to bite my nose off." Someone told me.

"I'm surprised Howard would consent to manufacture something like that," I said with distaste.

"The amount that got me was tiny." Agent Sousa said, he seemed a pleasant man.

"How much of this stuff does Ivchenko have?" I asked.

"The lab counted 10 canisters. Meaning Ivchenko has enough to send half the city into a homicidal rage."

"But why? Why go to all that trouble?"

"'Cause he's a Russian jerk with a chip on his shoulder. Why else?" Agent Thompson asked.

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