#6 Crazy Little Thing Called Love

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"Babe, I'm sorry!" You exclaimed, chasing after her as she walked ahead into the house, flicking on the lights somewhat violently. Some would say unnecessarily violently, but hey.

"Nope. You don't get to be sorry." She shouted over her shoulder, walking up the stairs. You rolled your eyes as you chased after her.

"That was totally not my fault!" You yelled, your voice rising in tone as you defended yourself.

She turned to face you, suddenly stopping at the doorway to your room, a finger pointed at you as you stumbled to a stop the best you could in your heels. "Oh stop whining. If you hadn't initiated it, I wouldn't be in this situation and you wouldn't be sleeping on the couch!"

"Wait what?! Demi! No!" You whined. Demi had always been like this, rash and impulsive. It was seriously attractive at times, but right now it was grating. After sharing a bed for over a year now and her hectic schedule, sleeping on the couch was just going to be, in lack of better words, ugh.

She just glared as you as she turned, storming into the room and viciously picking up your pyjamas and pillow before rapidly approaching you and shoving the bundle into your chest. Well, at least she gave you pyjamas.

"C'mon!" You groaned as she continued pushing against your chest and out the doorway. "My grandma like didn't even care!" You shouted in defence, before a small smile began covering your features. "...care that we were hitting second base on her brand new felt couch." You finished with a devious smile.

It was obviously the wrong thing to say as she paused her actions and shot one of the most vicious glares you've ever received. "Couch. Now." She gave one last shove, making you stumble out the door and into the hallway before she slammed the door in your face.

"Baaaaaabe!" You groaned after a moment of silence, staring at the painted white door. "Pleaaaase!"

"Good night." She yelled back, an obvious dismissal of your presence. You stared at the door for a moment longer, feeling the laughter and fun drain out of you as exhaustion set in.

You let out a sigh and succumbed to your fate, loosely holding the pillow and pyjamas to your side as you gently stepped down the flight of stairs to the plush leather couch in the living room, throwing the pillow down to one corner and sighing once again.

You were so glad she had graciously given you a pair of pants and a shirt to sleep in, allowing you to strip out of the dress and the shoes that you had worn out to your fancy family gathering. Demi's mother, step-dad and little sister were also at the gathering, mingling with your parents and various apparent relatives, which was nice, and also allowed you time to sneak off and spend some quality time with your girlfriend. Quality time that did not go under appreciated by the other party, aka, Demi, but was interrupted by your grandma suddenly entering the generally hidden lounge room.

You had been together long enough for Demi to not have to worry about impressing your family, not that she ever had to, but your grandmas obnoxious laughter at the sight before her set her into a tailspin.

You knew your grandma really didn't care. She had hit the age where she didn't let others living their lives bother her, but Demi was completely embarrassed and thus, has taken it out on you.

You threw your dress over an adjacent seat and the heels to the floor and quickly redressed into the comfortable wear your lovely girlfriend had provided. Even though you hadn't had a chance to brush your teeth or have a shower, you knew the anger would wear off and this was just a small price to pay to have her adorable self in your life.

You settled down on the rather comfortable lounge, minus a blanket, and curled up to maintain warmth before flicking on the tv to a low volume and succumbing to your exhaustion.


You lazily woke up sometime later to the sound of someone moving around the floor, approaching the couch.

Demi came closer, not noticing your alert state and flicked off the tv, quietly setting the remote back down onto the table with a quiet sigh before re-disappearing from the room.

The clock on the wall read 2:53am, several hours after you had parted and you rolled over, ignoring the chill in the air as you tried to get comfortable again. You silently tried to fall back into the same fitful slumber you were previously having, knowing that whatever happened last night, technically, would be fixed tomorrow with a lot of grovelling, apologising and maybe some cooking. Demi loved it when you cooked, even though you similarly loathed the activity.

Your pitiful attempt to get back to sleep was interrupted but the sound of footsteps padding back towards the couch. You opened your eyes again and looked at the figure hovering over the couch- positively glowing in the soft light the moonlight cast over her face from the undrawn curtains.

She avoided eye contact as she unravelled the blanket before mumbling a soft sentence. "God I can't even go a whole fucking night knowing your here but not with me. You drive me absolutely crazy."

She placed the thick blanket over your silent body as you stayed as still as possible, a small smile taking over your features at her kind words and actions. You just looked at her, mesmerised by her entire being as you snuggled into the pillow and softly spoke a reply, voice thickened with sleep. "Love you."

She finished her actions and finally met your gaze with a smile. "I love you too. Even if I pretend to hate you."

You let out a laugh at that, and the absurdity of the situation before reaching an arm out from underneath the covers and grasping at her wrist. "You better come here now. This couch is way too roomy."

She let out a laugh as well, her face cleared of makeup and her hair tossed up in a haphazard pile and looking as beautiful as ever.

"Seriously, we are sleeping on the couch when there is a perfectly good bed up there?" She asked, letting herself be pulled down to the furniture as you lifted the blanket to make room.

"This is a perfectly good couch too, you can't reject the poor thing just tying to live it's life."

She made an indignant sound whilst crawling into the space you had made. "Your insane."

"I prefer to say inventive." You cheekily replied, pulling Demi into your arms and wrapping the covers over your bodies as you kissed her cheek.

"Plus, you put up with my crazy ass- thus, encouraging it." You mumbled into her hair, pulling her as close as humanly possible feeling content as she settled in your arms.

"It's all 'cuz of this crazy little thing called loved." She replied, a smile in her voice.

"Damn right it is." You responded one last time. "I'm sorry about earlier by the way. I promise to be better behaved next time."

She sighed and chuckled. You could so tell she had a smirk upon her face. "Well, I however, promise to find a better spot to make out with you next time."

And fuck, this is why you loved this girl.


This is something that hit me randomly one night while I watched the tennis, it's not much but I haven't written much lately and I wanted to give you guys at least something 😜

P.s- Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to all the people that read these little things! I hope you guys had a good one!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2018 ⏰

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