2; my

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Hoseok has terrible luck in love.

It's not funny but sometimes he laughs about it. He has a bad habit of falling for straight boys and an even worse habit of caring too much about hook-ups with guys who don't give two shits about him. There are days when he wonders if he even deserves anything better, if he ends up with people who don't care because he's not worth caring about. His best friend Namjoon is convinced Hoseok has some deep-rooted psychological problem that stems from his parents' tragic relationship and manifests through him subconsciously seeking out equally tragic relationships.

Hoseok thinks Namjoon is full of shit.

 Moving to a new place with a new roommate for the last year of university isn't ideal. He had really loved the boarding house he spent the other three years in; the ahjumma running it was kind and hardly strict, and most of his housemates were choreography majors like him. But it had all gone to hell when he got into a friends-with-benefits sort of thing with one of the other guys. Hoseok being Hoseok, he'd fallen too hard while Sejun stayed pretty adamant on the no-feelings-involved rule.

It had gotten too hard, watching him not care. Watching him kiss someone else at a club and wink at Hoseok as they left together. Watching him dress and slip out of Hoseok's room long before morning because cuddling after sex was something only boyfriends did. Hoseok started to think there was something wrong with himself. He must have been awfully lacking if Sejun couldn't even bear to spend a whole night with him. Sejun was probably the best he would ever get, he told himself, so many times he started to really believe it.

It had been a hard decision, leaving. A part of Hoseok wanted to keep on fucking around if it meant he could just be with him. It took a lot of drunken crying, a lot of shitty mornings, a lot of scolding from Namjoon to realize how unhealthy things were getting. Finally, he found another place and packed his things. In the end, he didn't even say goodbye.

But the first time he meets Jimin, Hoseok starts to feel uncertain.

Jimin is beautiful. He has a smile that lights up the whole room and the cutest giggle-laugh and a killer body. Not to mention he actually seems like a really nice guy. Halfway through his mug of coffee, looking at the way Jimin scrunches up his nose when he grins, Hoseok wonders if it's too late to cancel his lease. (It is.)

It can't be too bad, he reasons. He can survive a year of living with a hot guy. Quite a few of the guys from the boarding house were attractive, and he lived with them just fine. And if it matters at all the way he lies awake staring at the ceiling every night because he's afraid to sleep in case he dreams about him, the way he cringes every time he passes by his favorite restaurant, the way his heart aches when he lets himself think too much, then he's still not over Sejun. He doesn't have the energy to fall for anyone else. Not yet, maybe not ever.

He's right, mostly. Living with Jimin turns out fine. They fall into a nice routine. They wake up around the same time to hit the practice rooms before classes; Jimin always gets up five minutes before him and puts on coffee. Their schedules don't match up for the rest of the day, but sometimes they'll catch dinner together; more often, they'll find themselves watching a drama or doing homework over a midnight pot of ramen. Jimin is a little sensitive but he's easy to get along with once Hoseok figures him out.

Of course, not everything's perfect. Most nights Jimin sleeps in nothing but a tight pair of boxers (sometimes they're red, and that's the worst) and Hoseok has to bury his face in his pillow so he isn't tempted to look when Jimin inevitably kicks the covers off in his sleep. He likes to do push-ups shirtless every morning so Hoseok has timed brushing his teeth to avoid it. Hoseok tries his hardest to curb his attraction because he's pretty sure Jimin is as straight as can be and he's definitely not making the mistake of falling for someone he lives with again.

He's confident that he's succeeding, at least until one day he gets home early from class and hears the shower running. Just over the sound of the water comes a high, angelic voice, singing some Taeyang song. Jimin is just slightly off pitch but he floats through tinkling adlibs with ease and frankly, Hoseok wonders why he's only a dance major when he should so obviously be a vocal major, too. He knows he shouldn't but he sits down on the floor outside the door and listens, eyes drifting shut, letting Jimin's voice lull him to a sense of calm. It's not a sad song but Hoseok feels sad listening to it. There's something in Jimin's voice that speaks of melancholy.

That's around when he starts to think this might be harder than he expected.


hi all! i've decided that i'll update this every two days starting today :) i hope you enjoyed the chapter! 

farewell my lovelies <3


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