Chp. 4

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I fell asleep but woke up from the sound of another girl's gutwretching screams. She was being dragged by her hair again. This time it was a girl with short hair, shoulder length like mine but with bangs. She had a really nice body, a voluptous one.

It was the same cruel repetitive scene I've seen for a few days now. I was sure to go insane if this continued. These murder scenes only made it worse for the fever I had. It got worse over the past few days I spent here in the basement. My forehead was nearly boiling.

I lost all focus and my breaths became heavy. Everything began to spin and the last thing I remembered was my head colliding with the cold concrete as the girl was being stabbed ruthlessly.


After I finished cleaning the floor I went to check on Beth. Once I got closer I realized she was sweating and breathing heavily. She was terribly ill.

Now that I think about it...I haven't given her food or water yet. I placed my head over her forehead and got shocked from how hot it was. This whole time she kept this to herself.

I carried her in my arms. Her scorching body was leaning against mine as I carried her upstairs. I placed her on the couch before going to the kitchen for water. She can't possibly die yet.

I placed the cup of water on her lips for her to drink but there was more spilling from the corners of her lips. So I drank the water myself and let her drink from my mouth.

She seemed to have noticed, her mouth opened and began drinking it fast. Her lips pushed and moved against mine rather roughly.

She must've been really thirsty.

As I removed my lips, the water dripped down her neck. Her wavy short hair was tucked and curled behind her ear. She was so frail, unlike all the girls I've met until now. In fact, they were the opposite, aggressive and deceiving.

I didn't know what I found intriguing. But there was something about her. I adjusted her body and covered her to warm her up. There was a wet towel in the kitchen and I placed it over her head. I was assured she would be fine after a while.


It was hard but I managed to force my eyes open. I felt a soft surface under me. It felt almost like a soft cushion rubbing against my skin.

I sat up in confusion finding myself on a couch. I looked around and found him sitting, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and his eyes closed.

Was he sleeping?

I looked around the living room. It was surprisingly big. It was nothing compared to where I used to live. My whole house was probably the size of this room. There was a small window beside the couch and on the other side, there was a door.

A door!

There was a door for me. The door was fairly close so I was sure it wouldn't be too difficult but it was nerve wrecking. My heart pounded rigorously at the mere thought. But as I started moving slowly, his hand suddenly blocked my way. I flinched and instantly shut my eyes.

He wasn't asleep...

"The fuck you doing?"

His eyes were dark and glaring into mine. They were piercing right through me.

"U-Um why am I here?"

It took a while for him to respond and for a second I thought he would ignore me.

"You passed out."

The irritated look on his face had settled but he was still cautious. He was staring at me but his glare had disappeared.

I didn't understand. Why would he care for me? I was nothing more than a plaything.

Then I remembered a faint feeling I had against my lips as I touched it with my fingertips. I wondered if it was merely a dream.

"You needed water and that was the only way. It's not something to be so shocked about."

I felt myself blush and he noticed.

"That can't be your first?"

I turned away avoiding his question. I felt uncomfortable and I refused to answer.

"How old are you?"


That's right. Love wasn't an option for me in the North. It was far from me. Surviving or just waking up the next day alive was the only thing that mattered to me.

He was talking to me as if nothing happened. Although his gesture was somewhat considerate, I was still fearful. And trust was the last thing I would give him. I sensed no warmth from him at all. But I assumed it was only natural to thank him.

"Thank you for taking care of me."

It was hard for me to say it but I managed to whisper it.

"Don't be mistaken. I can kill something like you in seconds so don't do anything stupid."

With that, I regretted the moment I utterred such words for him.


For the past few days, he let me remain upstairs until I got better but I was still chained to the wall near the couch. I also noticed he didn't bring any girls to the house for a while and it relieved me. I didn't have to witness any more lives being taken. At least for now.

I didn't dare try anything foolish and try to escape because I knew better. If anything, I changed my mind to plan things better and calculate them before escaping.

I needed to be patient and wait. I had to take whatever it takes to not let him notice no matter what.


Thanks as always

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