Chp. 21

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I wondered how she was so quick to understand me. So quick to comfort me. But now I understood why. We were able to look upon each other and see ourselves.

Her eyes returned back to mine, away from the calendar. A slight smile appeared on her face.

"It's not like it matters anymore."

She changed the subject quickly.

"Oh um...the hotcake. It's not much but it was something I had often as a child. I thought it would be nice to have you try it too."

"It was good...I mean it."

I was never good with words. It came out dry and indifferent. Carter always mentioned I would freeze the girls from how cold I was before they even got the chance to get close to me.

Her cheeks turned to a tint of rose as if they were pinched. It was worth a try to get better with my words if I wanted to see these sides of her.

Six days.

There were only six days left when I looked back at the calendar.


It's been a few days but it wasn't too long until I realized Jay's odd behavior. I noticed he kept looking at the calendar lately. As if he was waiting for something or something was waiting for him.

There was something bothering him but he refused to bring it up so I remained quiet. But I couldn't stand it anymore.

"Jay...what's wrong?"

He was so caught up in his thoughts, it took me three times to get his attention.


"You've been acting weird lately, constantly looking at the calendar, looking lost in your thoughts for hours."

It seemed like he didn't know how he was acting until I mentioned it.

"I'm fine."

His eyes avoided mine and he rose from the chair he was sitting on and turned to leave the kitchen. I walked past him and blocked his way.

"Your behavior tells me otherwise."

His eyes raised to mine finally meeting them.

"Move Beth."

"I'm trying to help you but if you don't tell me how am I supposed to? Please."

There was no point he wasn't going to tell me.

"It's late. Go to sleep."

He restrained his words and walked past me. Without another word, he left me there standing as he went upstairs.

My chest was tight and uncomfortable. I didn't understand him. Why was he holding it in if it clearly bothered him? I tried to think of the reasons he tried to keep it from me.

If he did tell me, would I be able to understand? Was that why he didn't bother telling me?

I felt I was no use to him. I walked into the garden to ease the tightness of my chest. It seemed to be the only place that could clear my mind. And as expected, it brought me comfort and ease. I closed my eyes as I breathed in the flowery scent and let their petals stroke my cheeks. It was short but the scent of these flowers was enough to brush my worries for now.

When I spent enough time, I left the garden and went upstairs as well. But Jay wasn't in his room. I turned from the sound of the bathroom door click open. He stepped into the room letting the water drip from his hair and onto the floor, creating little puddles. I turned away from the sight of his toned bare body, catching a glimpse of the bold tattoos peeking out of his neck from the back.

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