Chp. 9

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Jay had left around 10 P.M. I heard the rocks crackling as he drove out of the driveway. There was nothing I could do now that I was chained again. As I thought, I regretted it. It was never a good idea.

Although my purpose of helping him was for caring for me when I was ill, I had the slightest hope that maybe he would let me go. But I was wrong.

I sat through the long hours looking around the house. The walls of the living room were light grey and had a shade of ashy blue. Some of the furniture like the shelves seemed slightly old and out of place.

There was a large flat screen t.v. in front of the couch but it didn't seem to be used often. The square shelves beside the t.v. had a hand full of old books inside leaning against each other. The kitchen counter was marble and had mini lights hanging over the small wooden table.

Everything inside this house was normal...except the owner himself.

I attempted to sleep for the rest of the hours but I couldn't. I peered at the clock to see what time it was and it was almost 2 already. It was then when I heard the door unlock. The door rammed open as Jay stumbled inside.

He was drunk. The scent of alcohol mixed with the wind and into my nose. His head hung low towards the floor and walked in an unsteady pace. He dropped his keys some point along the way.

I thought he would go straight upstairs but instead, he turned his attention to me. Jay walked closer and stumbled right in front of me.

I made a small whimper and closed my eyes thinking he would fall on top but his hand was against the wall above me supporting his weight as he looked down at me. His wavy hair hung down framing his face casting a shadow. Some flipped to the side. It was hard to see his face.

His head lowered and I felt his breath right by my neck. I turned away but I felt a wet drop on my bare shoulder.

"I'm sorry mom.."

His breath became unsteady as he called for her.

"I'm sorry..."

Those were the last words before he collapsed on top of me. He was no longer the cruel and terrifying person when he was awake. He was nowhere to be found today. Instead, I saw a vulnerable man that was intoxicated.

What is he apologizing about?...

His facial expression showed that he was now at ease. His cheeks shimmered from where the tears trickled past.

I was still holding him across my chest and realized it would be better to lay him down somewhere. But these chains made it impossible. I had an idea but I didn't like it much. There was a solution to let him sleep on the couch beside me. The couch was big enough to fit both of us so it was possible.

I started tugging off his jacket and tried pulling him up but he was much too heavy. He was almost double my size so it was a struggle but I managed to do it. We were now both facing each other real close. He made a small grunt while he was asleep.

I followed the pace of his steady breaths.. From how close we were, I was able to see his features in great detail. I never noticed this before but the width of his eyes were really wide. His sharp jawline was even more obvious. My eyes fell down to his shirt that was unbuttoned revealing a peek of his tattoo.

My heart beated rapidly from our close distance. I had never been this close to anyone before and was something I never imagined to happen this way. It startled me when Jay's arm wrapped around my waist in his sleep.

Maybe I should've just left him on the floor. This was all too nervewrecking. At this rate, it would take forever to sleep. Counting sheep. That always helped me sleep as a child. I never thought I would actually use this method again.

One sheep...
Two sheep...

Three sheep...


There was something warm between my legs. The uncomfortable feeling caused me to open my eyes. It was daylight and Jay was still asleep in front of me.

I looked down to see what the liquid was and my eyes widened.

Oh no...

A crimson red blotch was stained in my inner thighs. It had stained the bottom of my blouse and what was worse was that it wasn't just me that was stained.

It was on Jay's white shirt too!

I was starting to panic. Out of all the days, why did I have to get it today? I couldn't stand the thought of him waking up. I couldn't even wash myself in this state.

I tried to move and hide as much of myself as I could but my movements only woke him up. He looked about but later his lifeless, cold eyes were back. They stared back at me and slightly widened. Without a word, he got up but realized the messy stain on his shirt. He had his head lowered and stared at it for a second in silence.

I was terrified of what was to come and my usual habit came out. My hands started to fidget.

"Come here."

I walked towards him until I was restricted from the restraint of the chain. I was now directly in front of his intimidating, large figure.

I squeezed my eyes shut, afraid of the consequences but I heard the keys rattling in from of me. He took out a key from his pocket and unlocked me.

"Second drawer on the right."

His cold eyes looked into mine as I just stood there trying to understand what he meant.

"Are you going to just stand there or wash yourself."


I stumbled along my way and grabbed the first clothes I saw. Jay threw me something for me to cover the area and went up to the bathroom upstairs.

By the time I finished showering, Jay wasn't in sight. I was unchained and he wasn't here. In high hopes, I ran to the door but it was locked. It was a door that could be locked both inside and out. I checked the windows and they were also jammed with steel nails. There was no use in even checking.

I turned around to face the long hallway behind me. I had never been there and out of curiosity, I slowly walked down. When I turned the corner of the hallway, there was something I've never seen before. It immediately caught my attention. I passed the mini shelves along the wall and found a door on the right corner.

It was different from all the doors in this house. Baby blue in color. The edges of the wooden door were chipping off. My curiosity led me to open the door without caution.

I gasped to what was in front of me.


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