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Song at the top: BLOWSOM - Pantoufle 



Still Heavily Pregnant


The film that they were being forced to sit through was one of Kerry's choosing; How to Train Your Dragon

Being that the Duncan family was used to films directed at children, they were all completely engrossed. Will, however, much preferred is thrillers and actions over animations, although he couldn't deny that he was eagerly awaiting the release of the second Incredibles film. 

He found himself pulling out his phone at regular intervals, scrolling aimlessly through social media or else replying to Christmas messages he'd received off of friends. He was surprised to see that there was no message from Nancy. In fact, she hadn't said anything since the night he'd been allowed to play with his phone while drunk. 

Upon seeing that he'd been messaging Nancy while in such a state the morning after, he'd been mortified. He hadn't even said anything too bad, but knowing that he'd broken his promise to himself not to do such things again was enough to make him feel embarrassed. His messages seemed so childish, even more so looking back at them now. 

Regardless, he chose to ignore his past mistakes and dropped her a simple message.

Merry Christmas!

He didn't expect a reply back for some time, and so shuffled about in his seat at the end of the sofa so that he could be more comfortable before trying to watch the film everyone else was enjoying. 

Minutes later, the familiar ping! of a received message rang out, drawing five pairs of annoyed eyed to him. He gave a sheepish grin and quickly drew his phone out of his pocket and set it to silent before reading the message he had got. 

To you too! 

Her short reply was disappointing, but he forced himself not to be upset by it. But despite his rather weak efforts, restlessness still gnawed at him. 

He searched for something to keep the conversation alive.

Why do kids always win when it comes to choice of films?

Her reply came quickly, bringing a smile to his face.

I would say the same, but I'm always the winner.

Caramel | #WATTYS2018Where stories live. Discover now