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Song at the top: Jonghyun - No.9 내일쯤 (Maybe tomorrow) (Kpop)





Her heart was pounding in her chest as she stood over the sink, her hands motionless under the stream of cool water. Her face was so warm she was sure that heat waves were radiating off of her skin.

Calm down. She told herself as she absent-mindedly rubbed at the graphite staining her skin.

She took her time washing her hands, waiting for the heat to dissipate from her cheeks before she faced Will again.

Her mind wandered back to moments before, when Will had been sleeping peacefully in his seat, a tranquil expression on his face, the strands of hair he had tucked behind his ear falling free against the skin of his cheeks. He had looked ethereal under the sunlight, the faint dusting of freckles on the bridge of his nose washed out and his textured skin smoothed by the clear light that fell on him like a spotlight from the heavens. His eyelashes had looked so long, his nose so straight, and his lips so full. Nancy wasn't religious by any means but she decided that the heavens were testing her.

She shook her head vigorously, attempting to clear her head, before turning off the tap and shaking her hands dry.

Will was stood awkwardly where she had left him, his phone in hand, his thumb darting rapidly across the screen. He looked up when she approached. He'd covered his hair with his hat once more.

"You can leave if you want." Nancy gave him a smile while wiping her wet hands on her jeans.

Honestly, Nancy really didn't want him to leave but she was too scared to suggest anything, and after taking up so much of his time- two hours, to be exact- she was sure he wouldn't want to hang around for much longer.

She examined the boy stood before her in is uncharacteristically bright clothing, and wished she could take up some more of his time.

"Yeah? I think I'm going to go home and sleep, then." Will shot a dazzling smile back at her, making her face flush and her heart fall in her chest.


"Okay," It took a lot of effort to hide the disappointment she felt behind a weak smile. "Thank you for today." She gave him a genuine smile this time, truly grateful that he had let her draw him after months of wanting to. "It was... nice." Her hands were fiddling in front of her in her awkwardness, and her face was growing warmer with each passing second.

She glanced up at Will before looking away. His face was expressionless but was replaced by a warm smile that made his chocolate brown eyes narrow slightly.

"It was, I got to sleep for a while thanks to you." His smile grew in jest. Nancy returned the smile, feeling a lot more comfortable now that Will's usual playful self was making a reappearance. "Well," Will grabbed his bag off of the floor and slung it over his shoulder. "I'm going." He gave her another heart-melting smile. "See you around." All Nancy could do was nod.

As he walked away, Nancy let out a long sigh, ridding her of the tension she had felt when stood in front of him. She remained where she was for a few seconds before heading over to her desk to pack her things away.

She was just about to leave, her bag on her back and her sketchbook secure in her arms, when a very familiar voice called across the studio, sending her spiraling back down into a tense mess.

She turned to find Will's head peeking out behind one of the walls that separated the studio into smaller spaces. He wore a smile, but it didn't seem as effortless as usual. Did he seem... nervous?

"Want to go get food? I'm starving." He called, stepping out from behind the wall. He stood with his hands in his pockets, his easy stance banishing all thoughts that he could possibly be nervous. Nancy squeezed her sketchbook closer to her chest as butterflies erupted in her stomach.

"I thought you were tired?" She asked, shifting her feet nervously.

"My nap woke me up." A strand of caramel hair fell across his face. He removed a hand from his pocket to push it behind his ear. His playful smile was back again.

At that moment, Nancy knew that nothing she did would hide the elated smile that forced its way onto her lips. She felt like she could squeal and dance around like a child when their parents even mentioned Disney Land, but she remained as composed as possible, swallowed her gleeful screams down, and gave a small nod.


Hi everyone!

It's me! (Ya Boi)

I hope you enjoy this chapter- it took a lot of figuring out (I feel like I say this with every chapter, but what's wrong with being honest?) but I finally got the ending I wanted.

Stay tuned for the next one, and as always, comments and votes are much appreciated!

Thank you for reading!


Caramel | #WATTYS2018Where stories live. Discover now