Chapter 1: One In 81727263876

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HEY! So this is my fanfic hopefully you like it. Idk I just felt like writing it. It’s based off of a dream I had. Haha please ignore any grammer/speeling mistakes! ENJOY! DO NOT COPY MY FANFIC THAT’S CALLED PLAYGERISM.


“Ahhhhhh! ALSDKFJLDJF!” screamed Cecilia, Madda’s best friend.

“Celia, SHUT UP. Oh my god. It’s 8 a.m. you should still be sleeping.” Madda said annoyed as she rolled onto her side and covered her ears with her pillow. She could faintly hear in the background the reason why Celia was screaming. The boys of One Direction were on TV.

“Hello, We are One Direction.” They said in unison.

They were on the Today Show announcing a “big surprise”…Who cares Madda thought to herself. Liam continued “Louis, can you do the honors of telling our fans what they’ve been waiting for?”

“Why yes Liam, I can. .. As you all know, we have been touring the US and are wrapping up here in L.A. California and the boys and I have decided to spend the rest of our summer here chillin’. SOOOO we’ve decided to also have a very special/secretive concert for 5 lucky girls.” He grins mischeivoulsy

“BUT” Niall interrupts, “The only hints as to where this secret gathering will take place, is that it is somewhere in the city. And once the 5 girls have found us, we will tweet “done” letting you guys know the contest is over..”

“GOOD LUCK” all five boys yelled.

Cecelia turned off the TV and started jumping on Madda. “WAKE UP! I HAVE A CHANCE TO MEET THE BOYS!” she screamed through her tears of joy.

“yeah like a 1 in 81727263876 chance.” Madda mumbles into her pillow.

“Come on Madda, GET UP biotch, we need to get ready. We are going downtown to and finding those idiots.” She said determined and dragged Madda out of bed to get dressed.


The thing is I really am not a fan of 1D. Some would consider me a “directioner” since I know all the inside jokes, facts, etc. but that’s only because of Cecilia, who is a “dedicated”  fan and even has a stupid twitter account also “dedicated” to the five faggots themselves. Personally, I don’t think any of the boys are super Hot, sure theyre cute and got talent, but fangirling is deff not my thing. Plus I’ve already got a handsome boyfriend, Michael. I honestly only agreed to help Cecilia because we’ve been best friends since ever. And I know how much it’d mean to her.

So we got dressed and Cilia insisted we look “casually cute”  so, she wore a floral sun dress with olive toms (to impress Louis if we did find them) while I could care less about what the boys thought of me just wearing some strappy 3 inch wedges with white high waisted shorts and a coral colored top.

“Damn, we look fineeee.” Cecilia cheered as they headed out the door.

Summer Love? (fanfic for my five gay idiots)Where stories live. Discover now