Chapter 6: Hello Stranger

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Sorry guys having some major writers block but here’s chapter 4 anyways.


Back at the house it was chaos. Louis was running around throwing toilet paper and socks.

“LOUIS, WHY DO YOU FEEL THE NEED TO TAKE ALL OF THAT JUNK UP STAIRS?” Liam yelled as the group brought their “necessities” upstairs since there was a hurricane on the way.

“Liam, I once read that incase of an emergency, you should always make sure to have enough toilet paper and socks.”

“You have got to be kidding me.”

“Fine, don’t believe me. But don’t come running to me when you don’t have enough of it.” Louis folded his arms. He was in a terrible mood today. Earlier he was crying because Madda and Harry were nowhere to be found.

Thankfully Celia was there to comfort him.

“Lou, it’ll be ok. They’ll have to come back, Madda would never leave her Cat behind.

The cat purred and Louis grabbed hold of it. “I miss them too pussy.”

***Harry’s POV

Madda was now asleep on my lap. We had continued to talk and actually get to know each other for the past couple of hours. It only made me love her more. She told me everything and had no regrets. I wish I was as carefree as her….

I was still smiling down at her and stroking her hair…. I was starting to doze off.

I was startled when I heard knocking on the door. I carefully got up from underneath Madda to go open the door.  I looked out the window to see who its was but the figure had their hood up.

I opened the door nervously, “h-h-hello?”

“Hey man can I crash here? I was just walking through the neighborhood when it started to downpour and- wait hey aren’t you Harry Styles?”  the person asked in a bit of a deep voice

“Umm yes?” I said to the figure. It was hard to see still since it was getting late and the skie was already black.

“Wow! I’m a huge fan. You guys have really made a name for yourselves.” The voice sounded awfully familiar.

“Wait a minute are you…Justin Bieber?” I asked

He took his hood off “uh yeah I am.” He laughed

“Wow, it’s an honor to meet you man! Me and the boys look up to you. Especially Niall, he absolutely loves you. … but yeah come on in. this isn’t exactly our house but the owners aren’t home so it’s all good.”

“Oh its fine, go get the other boys, I’d love to meet them.” He smiled politely

“oh… when I said “our house” I meant me and a friend. We sorta got stranded here like you.” I was being awkward. I knew it, I couldn’t talk to new people very well, let alone Justin Bieber. In fact, I hated meeting new people.

“Oh! Well I love meeting new people.” Justin smiled. And headed straight to the couch Madda was sleeping on. I watched his expression as he realized me “friend” was Madda and a girl.

He was surprised to see her just laying there in half naked. I gulped as Madda slowly woke up from our noise. Her eyes widened as she looked between me and Justin, who btw had a stupid grin on his face.

“OMG Harry, Justin Bieber is looking at me.” She whispered towards me but obviously he heard her.

“That’s because you are breath taking.” He shot another smile at her making her blush. “Hi I’m Justin.”

“I’m Madda.”

Oh so Justin Bieber can just walk right in here and have his way with Madda right away; While I’m over here just being Harry Styles, the kid with four nipples. Madda stood up to go give him a hand shake in her bra and underwear. I forgot how comfortable she was wearing little clothing.

“Justin, you must be freezing! Come sit.” She motioned towards the blankets and couch. She also gave me a nod telling me to sit too.

She turned on the TV just in time to watch The Notebook, her fav movie.

“Ahhhh! I love this movie!” she cooed

“Me too!” me and Justin yelled at the same time a bit eagerly. We stared each other down.

The movie started and Justin “casually” put his arm behind her neck. I took some charge and rested my hand on her thigh. We stayed in these positions for the rest of the movie.  

When it ended I asked “so how’d you get here Justin?”

“I have a friend who lives here and thought I’d walk to his house but apparently I couldn’t. How’d you two get here?”

Madda smiled widely showing her perfect smile. I think Justin caught on the something was clearly going on between us. I smirked at him. HA.

“How are we supposed to get ahold of everyone and let them know we are ok?” Madda said realizing we still haven’t talked to the group since the night of the dance.

None of us had our phones and the power was still out.

“We’re just gonna have to wait love.” I told her but she frowned. I picked her up and set her on my lap. “Hey it’s gonna be alright remember?”

she smiled and nuzzled her head against my chest. Justin looked sad but quickly recovered when he saw me watching him.

I whispered in Madda’s ear, “Babe maybe you should put some clothes on now, go look in one of the rooms for something.”

She nodded and headed upstairs.

“So….are you two like dating??” Justin asked not looking me in the eyes.

“Um, yeah I guess we are sorta dating.”

“Hmmmm you don’t sound so sure Harry Styles.” He smirked at me.

“It’s complicated alright?” I looked straight ahead of me, trying to hide my anger.

We sat for 2 minutes of awkward silence.

Madda reappeared wearing her hair in a high pony and had boxers and a crew neck sweat shirt on. Looking cuter than ever.

“Kay boys, lets get some rest.” She suggested and laid out a blanket on the ground. Justin did the same to her right and I went to he left.

I swear to bloody God, if he tries to make any moves I’m going to pop a cap.

“Sweet dreams boys.” She said before lying down.

“Sweet dreams” we responded. I kissed her gently on the lips and Justin did the same on her cheek. What was his problem? He cant do that?

Madda was already fast asleep with a smile on her face.

I tried to sleep too, but couldn’t and I could tell Justin couldn’t either..

End of Chapter 6! Sorry its really short, had major writers block and have been super busy these past two days. So the next chapter I’ll make it up to you since I have the whole weekend to do nothingJ. Thanks for reading! Comment OR tweet me @thedirectaffect ex oh ex oh

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