Chapter VI: Have a drink on me

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// a/n: for this chapter I really suggest listening to the songs, especially the second one ^-^


Smells of alcohol and cheap perfumes filled the air. "Pride and joy" played vaguely in the background and was mixed with the occasional laughs and conversations and the sounds of pool tables getting hit by the coloured balls. It wasn't too crowded, just enough to make it less depressing and more warm. Smoke floated gracefully in the air, the dim lights making it more obvious.

At the counter, a lonely girl sat there, drinking her shots quietly. The clock read 11:00 pm exactly when she ordered her sixth drink.

"Another?", the barman asked.

The girl nodded, not making eye contact with the handsome man in front of her.

He put the small glass in front of her. She grabbed it between her fingers, bringing it to her eye level, and twirls it around a bit. She watches the golden brown liquid glistens with lazy (e/c) eyes before bringing it to her lips.

The burning alcohol slid down her throat smoothly. She started to feel herself getting more and more numb.

Numb from the burn. Numb from the pain.

She put the glass down again, a sigh escaping her lips.

Dazed, she tried to listen to the muffled music, and didn't notice a shadow walking then standing next to her, on her right.

"May I?"

The soft and deep Irish voice ringed in the girl's ears, and a grin lifted her lips.

"Of course.", her slurred voice answered.

He pulled a bench and sat down. He was wearing his black Westwood suit, and a matching tie. 

"I'm gonna take the same thing.", he said to the barman.

The young mad nodded and gave him his small glass too.

"I knew I'd find you here.", Jim said, tilting his shot glass. "Your favourite spot. Especially on a day like today..."

She swallowed. He turned his head towards her.

"How was your brother?", he said, not that interested. "Did you get to talk to hi-"

"Bram is dead.", she said calmly.

It was now her turn to look at Jim. He stared at her for a few seconds. He didn't really now what to tell her. Death wasn't a thing he feared or dreaded, after all.

"I'm... sorry.", he finally managed to get out.

She nodded slightly, and looked back straight towards her. He mirrored her action.

"What happened?", he asked.

She sighed.

"I came into the house, and he wasn't there..."

She marked a small pause, searching for her words. She decided it would be better going straight to the point.

"I found him in his room laying in his bed. Face down. I thought he was sleeping, but when I turned him over , I-", she hesitated. "I, um... I saw he was bleeding, from his stomach."

She nodded to herself, choosing she had said enough for now. And Jim understood. So he changed subject.

"Have you watched the news recently?", he asked out of nowhere.

She turned to him confused, but somewhat relieved to change her mind a bit.

"Not really... why?"

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