A/N: the end?

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This is officially the end of The Thieving Magpie I.

First, I wanna give all my most grateful thanks to the amazing people who voted, liked and commented this story. It's so cool to read others' feedback!! Thanks!!

Second, yes, this is TTM 1. Yes, I do plan on writing a sequel to that story. I've got some ideas that I think would be cool to write about and would bring more to the characters. I haven't started writing it though, I just got some notes. I can't promise anything though.

Anyway, I love writing, and I've got other ideas for other stories, maybe even some shorter ones (not xreader stuff) with original characters that I might post too. 

That's it for me (for now), but again,  thank you so much to all you beautiful readers. May you all have a pleasant morning, day, evening or night.



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