8 || Find her...

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Rocky and you had a really good talk yesterday that you went out of the house, he was really caring towards you and he really wanted to help you out. However you still worry about Moonbin, in spite of his feelings you want to help him out because he will always be someone important and special for you.

Currently you're at home with MJ, he's down stairs talking with his manager because he wants more security towards you. The thing is that yesterday night that both of you arrived home after meeting the rest of the members; Carol called and threated your brother again. This situation is really hard for him because after all you only have each other as a family.

-Y/N, can we talk? – MJ said as he knocked on your door.

-Come in – You said as you sat down on your bed while MJ was getting inside. Then he looked at you with a forced smile and sat next to you.

-She doesn't want you near Moonbin – MJ said as he looked at you worried.

-Just him? – You asked concerned.

-Just him. And I understand that you want to help him, but first I need you to be fine – MJ said as he patted your head gently.

-I know... but how am I going to see the rest of the members? – You asked worried.

-Maybe we can bring them by pairs; JinJin with Eunwoo, and Sanha with Rocky.

-I guess if this is for the best – You said with a sad gaze.

-Hey don't be sad, this is going to end as soon as the police finds her – MJ said as he smiled at you.

-Hopefully they find her... I'm afraid brother – You said as you hugged him.

-Don't worry... I'm here, she won't hurt you – MJ said as he hugged you as well.

-Moonbin's POV-


-Why do you think she hates me? – Juliet asked me as she laid down next to me on the grass.

-I don't think she hates you, after all you're best friends – I said as I caressed her hair.

-Yes but only when I'm not around you – Juliet said as she looked at me concerned.

-I know Y/N and she's a really sweet person, I bet she's only having a bad time – I said as I looked at Juliet's eyes.

-A bad time? If that's it I wonder what it is.

-Maybe she fought with her brother – I said without caring too much.

-Or maybe it's something else... Moonbin you don't really care about her, do you? – Juliet asked.

-I do... she's my friend after all, but I have priorities – I said as I smiled at her.

-You're way too sweet Moonbin – Juliet said with a smile while blushing.

*Time later*

-Get out of her life! You're hurting her! – MJ yelled at me madly.

-I'm not doing anything! I don't even speak anymore to her – I said mad.

-At least tell her why because of that she cries all time! If I lose her because of you I will quit this group – MJ said madly, making everyone surprised by his words.

-Guys calm down – Eunwoo said worried as he got between us.

-MJ-hyung let's go somewhere else – Sanha said as he walked away with MJ.

-What is his problem? – I said mad and confused.

-Don't you see that Y/N loves the wrong person? – Rocky said serious as he looked at me.

-She's just my friend, and I know she feels the same way that I do.

-*Sigh* I can't deal with this right now – Eunwoo said as he looked at the celling. Then JinJin sat next to me and started to pat my back.

-Let's call Sanha and MJ, we need to do a great performance for Arohas. Don't forget what unite us in moments like this – JinJin said serious.

*End of the Flashback*

After all she felt love for me... and I was such a jerk when I stopped talking to her. I wonder if Juliet knew anything about this, and that she knew that her sister was behind her.

-Lost in your world? – Rocky said as he got inside my room.

-I'm just thinking – I said serious.

-About Juliet? – Rocky asked as he sat next to me.

-More than that. I'm thinking about the times I fucked everything up – I said as I released a smirk.

-Everyone has days like that, you shouldn't get trapped in those thoughts – Rocky said with a friendly smile.

-I'll try... by the way don't we have to be at the studio in an hour? – I asked.

-Yeah, so hurry up - Rocky said as he got up from the bed and went to change in a hurry.


We're rehearsing our vocals and performances for the next big stages that we're going to have here in Seoul. Everyone was really excited for everything that was currently happening with the group, and to be here with the members really cheered me up; they are my best friends even if we fight or have bad days, we're always there to support each other.

-Y/N's POV-

You're in your room walking around in circles just thinking about what should you do to help Moonbin, and how to find Carol the soon as possible. However once again the video of Juliet's funeral came into your mind, it's been a while since you last watched it and honestly you wanted to see it more times because it was the only way for you to see Moonbin. So without thinking about it twice you took out the video of the funeral and started to play it on your TV.


-Juliet was the best part of me, she was everything I wish. However not everything lasts forever, right? I feel guilty for what happened to her, I feel that it was my only fault. Juliet if you can hear me, I beg you to forgive me for not protecting you... I will love you forever, never forget us – Moonbin said and then he took a deep breath and continued talking while tears started to fall down his face.

-We learned so much stuffs together, so many lessons. We learned to love each other, to understand our thoughts, and to have faith in our dreams. Unfortunately you're not here anymore, you left to a better place as Y/N will say... all of your friends loved you in every single way and even though some of them are not here they're always thinking about you. Juliet thank you for been such a great person here on earth, now we know you'll be such a great angel in heaven.


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