❝Hands that never touch. Lips that never meet. The Almost Lovers, never to be.❞
– Rae Hachton
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I finished telling him what happened.
I felt like I was being torn to pieces again, but even though Aiden was there for me before, I appreciated his presence now.
He tried really heard to comfort me.
Once I finally calmed down, he asked me, "Should I start?
"Yes. I'm sorry for taking so long to calm down," I stated.
"Ella, don't say sorry. Please. I'm beyond sorry for not being there for you when this all happened. I can never forgive myself," He replied.
I stayed silent. I didn't know what to say. I wanted to say it's okay, but it wasn't. Maybe I could finally forgive him after he tell me his side of the story.
"Here," Aiden handed me a small package.
"What's this?" I questioned.
"It's just a couple of letters that I never sent to you while I was going through my situation. You know that I tend to use less words when explaining things, so I just wanted you to read these and if you wanted to ask me more questions, you can." He specified.
Without mentioning the fact that I had wrote letters to him as well, I simply nodded and opened the package.
As I finished reading the five letters, Aiden noticed the expression on my face and said, "I'm sorry. You may have expected more, and quite frankly, after I reread these letters recently, I realized I should have done so much more."
"Aiden, I'm sorry you had to go through what you went through as well. But you do know that this doesn't justify what you did to me, right?" I defended.
"El, I know. I'm so ashamed of myself. I should have done so much more. All I want to do is make this right, and never lose you again, but I don't know what to do. Ella, tell me what I should do," He pleaded.
"Aiden, it's okay. It's been two years since it happened. I can forgive you, and I'll try my best to forget about this." I answered.
"Ella, you should take as much time as you need. You don't need to forgive me right now." He countered.
"But I want to. I've missed you so much. You're my best friend. I love you so much. Now I know you were going through a rough patch as well, so it makes the whole situation more understandable. It's okay Aiden. I just want you to be in life, and for that to happen, I have to forgive you." I looked up into Aiden's eyes, hoping that he would want the same thing as me.
I don't whether this is possible, but his eyes softened and he started to you ask, "Ella?"
"Yea," I whispered.
"Can I k-" Aiden started to ask before Valerie suddenly burst into the room.
Aiden and I jumped away to opposite ends of the couch.
"I'm so sorry, but I really need to get something," Valerie apologized.
"It's okay Val," I sighed.
"Did I interrupt something?" She asked.
"No, nothing at all," Aiden quickly let out, and Valerie went to go get what she needed.
Once she came back, she questioned, "Is everything okay between you guys now?"
"Yes, I believe it is," I smiled at Aiden.
"I'm glad to here that. I'm sorry I came in without knocking again," Valerie chuckled.
"It's alright. I'm going to have to start locking that door now," I laughed along with her.
"I'm going to go now. I took one your dresses because I'm probably going to another party tomorrow night. I'll come over after the party. I'll probably sleepover," She informed me.
"Okie dokie. See you tomorrow" I got up and gave her hug.
Once Valerie left, I sat back down on the couch and sighed, "So what are we going to do now?"
"Do you want to watch Mission Impossible?" Aiden suggested.
"God, I've missed you so much," I laughed, set the movie up, and sat back down on the couch.
"So have I," He replied while pulling me closer to him.
We watched the movies in peace, not acknowledging the fact that we had almost kissed.
We were just happy with having each other in our lives.