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Never regret yesterday. Life is in you today, and you make your tomorrow.

– L. Ron Hubbard

The sun flooded the room with bright light, waking Ella and I up

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The sun flooded the room with bright light, waking Ella and I up.

"Did we fall asleep on the couch?" Ella yawned.

"We definitely did. The movie is still on and ice cream tub is still open. Just like old times," I chuckled, hoping I didn't go too far.

"I'll go make some breakfast. The restroom is down the hall, and there should be extra toothbrushes in one of the drawers," Ella informed me.

"Alright thanks," I replied.

I went to the restroom and started to freshen up. While washing my face, I realized what I had done yesterday. I would have actually kissed Ella if Valerie didn't interrupt us. I don't know whether kissing Ella would be the right thing to do, but I sure as hell really wanted to do it.

Once I was done getting ready, I joined Ella in the kitchen. Her back was turned away from me, so I slowly walked over to her and gave her a hug from behind, "Hey."

"Hey," She whispered.

"Are those scrambled eggs I see?" I asked.

"Yup, just the way you like your eggs, am I right?" She turned around to face me.

I had a strong urge to kiss her, but I held back. I only kissed her on the cheek and whispered in her ear, "You would know."

Even though she turned back around to check on the eggs, I could tell that she was blushing.

I know that I probably shouldn't be flirting with her right now, especially since we just got on good terms, but I know we both like each other, and I know we're meant to be together, so it's difficult for me to not flirt.

"Are you staying here after breakfast or are you going to go back to where you're staying right now?" Ella questioned while putting our breakfast on the table.

"If you want me to stay, I'll stay. I don't really have anything I need to do until I leave," I answered.

"Oh right, I forgot you were leaving in a couple of days," She commented.

"I can leave later if you want me to," I suggested.

"No, it's okay. I don't want to keep you from anything," She said quietly. I could tell she wanted me to stay. Since I didn't really have anything to do back at college, and there was still a couple of weeks left before classes would start up again, I told her I'd stay for an extra week.

After we finished breakfast, we caught each other up on each of our lives. In between catching each other up, we had a lot of snacks, and we went to Julie's for lunch. Quite frankly, Julie's is the best place to eat.

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