The Lost Boys' Mother

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Chapter 7

~One Year Later~

Each and every day Rumple tortured me in a different way. I would scream and cry and beg him to stop. He wouldn't stop until he felt I had been through enough. At night Belle would check on me when Rumple was asleep. Today was no different. I was dozing while waiting for Belle to come in when suddenly, I felt I large, slender hand cover my mouth. I looked up in terror only to see a hood covering the face of the person holding me down. I looked harder and saw the feathers and blonde hair letting me know it was Felix. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. I was saved. I heard Belle's voice behind him.

"Hurry, before Rumple realizes you are here."

"C'mon momma, lets get you home."

"How did you find me? Why isn't Peter here?" I had hoped that Peter would come. Did he forget me?

"Don't worry. He's outside waiting for us. He just wouldn't be the most quiet man to come get you." Felix picked me up bridal style. "So he decided I get to get you out."

"Well, well, well. Trying to escape are we? Hehehe, why would you want to leave?" I swear, that giggle will drive me insane.

"Oh we are. And if you let me take her, I won't kill you, crazy." That British accent makes my knees weak. And when it's taking on a protective tone, just don't get me started. "Your call Rumple. You can let us leave and everyone lives. Or, we leave, you get hurt, and you never see Belle again. Choose wisely."

I have never seen a monster more terrified in my whole life.

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