The Lost Boys' Mother

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Chapter 6:

Still Anne's POV:
After wandering around for a few hours, I found a stream flowing the opposite direction I was going. I decided to follow it as I had been and see if there was a waterfall. After ten minutes, I heard the tell-take signs of a waterfall and started running. Upon reaching it, my breath was taken away. It was coming off the side of a huge cliff that was covering the sun. When I looked closer, I saw there was a little alcove behind the falling water. I kept this image in my head and flashed back to camp. When I returned though, nobody was around. I hoped Peter would be in his tent maybe drawing. Instead, I was met with a chloroform rag and a high-pitched male giggle.

Peter's POV:
I had decided to send the boys hunting. They needed something to do. Any hopes of Anne getting back before dark were pretty slim. I just hope she isn't hurt. I decided to go to the beach in the hopes that I could find some peace for once.


I knew something was wrong when I got back to camp. I felt like someone was missing and that is never good. I just shook off the feeling and went to go see if Anne had returned and was just napping. But, when I got in the tent, there were signs off a struggle. I looked everywhere for her, but she wasn't at camp. I returned to our tent to try and find any clues, but none were there. Suddenly, a slip of paper caught my eye. I opened it and it read,

Hello Deary,

Did you miss me? I may have taken someone you love very much. Don't worry, she will be safe as long as you come to my castle unarmed.

So my imposters father has taken Anna. This day kept getting better and better.


Anne's POV:
I woke up with a killer headache. I was in Pan's mortal enemies castle. Who knew what he would do to me? Suddenly, the cell door opened, revealing a beautiful girl with brown hair and fair skin. Her dress was elaborate, making me believe she was someone important. "Are you alright? I told Rumple to put you in an actual room, I'm so sorry!" She had an Australian accent. "My name is Belle, the mistress of the castle. I help to take care of Rum-"

"I get it! Just leave me alone, I don't need your pity!"

"I'm not pitying you. And I can't leave you, Rumple wants to see you."

When she had finished, her lips were pressed into a fine line. "Just take me to him, lets get this over with."

After walking a short distance, and up a staircase, I was brought into a room where I was tied to a chair. "Well look at this beauty. No wonder Pan wants you."

"What do you want?" I was going to be short and stay to the point. This thing wasn't going to get to me.

"Your tough demeanor misplaces you, of course, there is a saying that goes 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.' Maybe that will help you through today, hm?" I was confused, then pain raced through my chest and I screamed. I then saw the boys standing around me looking concerned. Then, one by one, they dropped to the floor dead. Suddenly, Peter was by my side and he was trying to calm me so I would stop sobbing, but I couldn't, I knew it was a trick, but when he died, my heart felt like it was ripped from my chest. Then everything stopped. I looked up and through my tear clouded eyes, saw Rumple laughing and clapping his hands like a retarded seal.

"What the hell Rumple?!" I turned and saw Belle, sweet innocent Belle stand up to the monster. "She has gone through a life in Hell! What sick man does this to a girl?"

"Me." He motioned to himself ten giggled. Not a pretty noise. "Just remember Belle, I'm not the good guy anymore. I never was and never will be."

I muttered a string of bad words under my breath. Belle came over and helped me out of the chair.

"Thank you, Belle. You don't know how much this means to me. I hope Peter comes soon. If that is going to be my life, then I might as well ask you to dig my grave." She looked at me with pure shock in her eyes.

"Don't you dare ever speak like that again!"

"Okay, I was kidding Belle. Don't worry, I plan on getting out of here soon anyways."

"Good, lets go get you cleaned up for dinner."

A/N: So I updated. What do you think? Anyways... I need some advice. At homecoming I was feeling brave and kissed my date on the cheek. I was being told by one of his friends that he liked me so I didn't think he would mind. So I continued kissing his cheek because he said it didn't bother him. On Wednesday of last week though, I did it in a crowded space and some of his buddies saw. I called and apologized and asked if he wanted me to stop. His answer was yes. His friend still says he likes me but I want you help, message me your thoughts please!

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