Chapter 1: Before the Bite

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Sam's Pov

I wake up excited and ready to go. Today was the last day of school before winter break and the rival swim meet against Minrofalls, and just to top things off, my brother was coming home from college. Unlike most sibling, my brother and I are close. We bonded when we were younger when we realized we both got the Aurora gene, making us have powers. Our family doesn't know though. They all thought it skipped another generation, but didn't turn out to be the case.
I sat up stretching only to have a knock on my door.
"Sam, we really need to be leaving soon if you want to get to school on time."
I went into full on panic mode. I don't know why I always do this to my self but for some reason it really wakes me up In the morning. I grabbed a green t and a pair of skinny jeans. I then put on some black converse and ran out the door. I started throwing random stuff I thought I needed in my swim bag and placed my books in my book bag. I quickly brushed my hair and teeth and then I grabbed my lunch, put on my jacket and was out in the car. My mom wasn't out as fast, but when she was out she was holding my water bottle and phone in her hand.
"Sam, you need to start waking up earlier. One of these days I am not going to grab what you forget."
I took the phone and bottle from her and put them in my bag.
"I know I know, you told me a million times, I just like me sleep."
She smiled and shook her head and we were out.
It took us about 5 minutes to get to the school. I quickly grabbed my stuff saying bye and was walking through the pool doors. Our swim team was really lucky because our school actually had a nice pool attached to the school. Most teams had to go to a recenter. We also had no drama. We all got along and no one hated anyone, and if someone did they never opened their mouth about it.
I walked in to the steamy room placing my book bag and lunch box on the bleachers. I took my swim bag and walked into the locker room. It was mostly empty, other then Lexi who was like me, putting her stuff in her locker.
"Hey Lex, you ready for the meet tonight?"
"Are you kidding? I was born ready!?"
I laughed and went to my locker and put in the combination.
"You know you shouldn't be asking me, it should be the other way around."
I gave her a joking a hurt look and placed my hand to my heart like I was afended.
" uh, I can't you be you said that. I am wounded! Someone save me from this monster! She doesn't realize, I am always.... Ready."
We both laughed at my terrible acting. After putting away all my gear I slammed my locker and we both walked out laughing and talking away.
      Like normal my team mates filed in, putting away their stuff then finding a spot on the bleachers, chilling with team mates and friends who decided to hang with the swim team in the morning. The boys would always sit on one end while the girls chilled at the other. We never knew why it was always that way, but today you could feel the tension in the air. You see what was so special about this meet was that yes it was the rival meet but most of the kids on the other team came to our school for part of the day, making a lot of them our friends. Today though, like always the boys didn't know how to interact with the other boys on the opposite team. One of them was actually giving me goosebumps, and not the good kind. These were the full on chills going down my spine and hairs on my neck rising goosebumps.
"Hey Sam, you good?"
Lauren nudged me taking me out of my thoughts. I looked back at my team meets who were all giving me looks of worry.
"Yeah I am fine. Just that kid over there is giving me the creeps."
My team mates being my team mates all peered around me and looked at Nick. He still didn't break his stare even though all of us were looking at him.
"Wait Sam, isn't he up your ex?"
I groaned as Tay had to bring that up.
"Sadly yes. Not my most proud moment."
Everyone laughed at that. Why? Who knows, but Lauren nudged Hava, getting her attention.
"Why don't you text your Brother? I mean he is on his phone and you are the only one that has his number so.... That way Nick stopes staring at our Samantha here."
I groaned at her using my real name. She knew I hated it and that is why she did it.
"Fine, but you all owe me."
Hava got her phone and typed away. Soon Hayden was looking confused and switching his gaze to Nick with anger written on his expression.
"Uh, Hava, what did you say to him?"
I asked actually concern for my ex because it looked like Hayden was going to try to take his head off. She shrugged and opened up the text.
"I basically said that Nick is making us uncomfortable and looks like he is going to try and rape one of us."
We all quickly reverted our gazes to Hava, staring at her in pure shock.
"Jeze chill, I didn't actually say that, I asked if he could get Nick to stop staring at us, that is all."
We all released a breath and looked back to Hayden and Nick yelling at each other. Which soon escalated to the two teams yelling at each other.
"Could this get any worse?"
I asked placing my face in my hands. I felt sick because Nick even though still in a yelling match kept looking over at me. Thank god the bell rang. I was the first on out and went straight to the Art room.
      I walked in going straight to the table of friends. I plopped down and put my head down. I felt someone tap my shoulder trying to get my attention. I looked up seeing my friends Gabby and Chris looking at me with concern.
"You ok?"
I rolled my eyes and sat up.
"Do I look ok?"
They both shook their head no.
"What is wrong?"
I know Sara is trying to help but I wanted to be left alone.
"I am just tired that is all."
"Yeah right, you are always full of energy, what is going on?"
"Gabby! If she wanted to tell she will."
I held my hand, stopping Chris.
"I am nervous ok?"
They all looked at me shocked.
"You nervous, that is a first. You don't need to be worried or suppressed or nervous. You are amazing and are going to do great tonight."
Once again I know Sara was trying to help but she had it all wrong, but I still forced and smile and faced them.
"Thanks, but I think we should be getting our projects so we can work on them."
We all got up getting what we need and stayed silent for the rest of the class.
       Through out the day my nerves just got worse. I felt like if I ate I would throw up and I was always looking behind me. I was so paranoid that I swore someone was following me. By the end of the day though I was feeling a bit better till I walked into the pool room. The pool was meet ready and both teams sat or stretched in their sitting areas. The other team stared at me as I walked in and I saw Taylor's eyes piercing through me. I gulped and continued walking. See Taylor wasn't aloud to swim for another three weeks, due the fact that I got her suspended. She tried blaming me for something that she did, but I was at another place at the same time it all went down, and I had witnesses. Aka the whole swim team. Now she hated me but it wasn't my fault that she lied.
"Hey Type A, you ready!?"
My coach walked up scaring me out of my thoughts. He looked at me worried but I forced a smile.
"When am I not."
He didn't seem satisfied and pulled me to the side.
"You ok their kid? You are not looking to good."
He put a hand to my forehead.
"Yeah just nervous that is all. I will get over it by the end of the first event."
He smiled and pushed me towards the locker rooms.
"Then go get ready we got some Minrofalls butt to kick."
I laughed and went to get changed.
        I walked out, to be met with the cheers of my team mates.
"And there she is. The fire of our team, SSSSAAAAAAAMMMMMM WOOOOOODDDD!"
I laughed at Dean who was announcing. I walked to the center of the circle of swimmers. I had all their ears for the team talk and cheer.
"Ok, this is the big meet we all been waiting for. We are not here to be friends tonight. We are here to win! Do you all understand!?"
They all shouted.
"I didn't hear you!"
"We're here to Win!"
I smiled satisfied.
"We are going to kick some butt, and later drown them in our wake! You know why!"
"Because we are the Bull Sharks!"
"Bull Sharks! Bull Sharks! Bull Sharks....."
We all screamed at the top of our lungs so everyone could here, but soon it all came to an end. We went to line up behind our blocks and all got ready. Lexi, Lauren, Hava and I went to the middle lane. Soon event one women's 200 medley relay please step up echoed around me. Lexi jumped in the water with the rest of the backstrokers.
"Swimmers take your mark...." Beep!
Lexi took off and swam under water for half of the pool length. Next was Lauren with breaststroke. By the time she was back she had a body length on the other team. Then Hava was going. She took off but the other teams girl was a beast. Once they were back me and the girl from the other team was leaving at the same time. I took off fast as I could, not breathing and kicking till my legs were numb. We were neck and neck and I hit the wall with force and looked up ate the board. Bull Sharks A: 1st, 2:01.29, MinroFalls: 2nd, 2:01.32. A smile broke on to my face and I turned to shake my opponent's hand. Then I cheered for the rest of my team mates as they finished their race. Once I climbed out I was greeted with high fives and shouts of nice jobs, and way to goes. I smiled but I knew I had another event right after so I went to line up behind the lane I was in.
      My team mates stood at the other end cheering for our swimmers who were swimming the first heat of the 200 IM. They didn't even realize the group of guys and girls starting to form around me. No one did. The hairs on my arms rose and I turned to Nick who of course was standing there, staring at me.
"I am sorry guys but I think you have the even lanes."
"We know that."
The kid with dark hair and cold eyes stepped in front of Nick. I believe his name was Cole, but Nick pushed him aside so he could face me.
"I really hope you understand why I have to do this, one day."
I was about to ask, understand what? when he moved faster then a normal human and punched me. I was shocked and my hands went straight to where he hit me. I turned just in time for another fist coming at me. I blocked only to be kicked in the stomach. I slipped hitting my head in the block before falling completely to the ground. I held my powers in but when an Aurora is in danger, weird weather patterns show up so others come to help you, but their were no others that would help me. I heard the howling of the wind and the crowd going silent. I felt every punch, kick and hit I received. I felt the blood drip and blind my vision. Finally one landed a blow to my already spinning head and I was out. I couldn't feel the pain, just the teeth sinking in my color bone. I could feel weight being lifted off me, but it didn't change the fact that I was out. I could hear everything. Whispers between the audience, my team mates yelling at the opponents. The coach shouting orders and the yells of my parents. I heard the pool doors opening and the sirens of the ambulance and I felt my body being lifted on a stretcher and being rolled away.
      In the vehicle it was quiet. All you heard was my heart monitor, breathing compressor, and sniffles.
"I don't exactly know what to say to you ma'am but your daughter will be fine. She just might be out for a bit."
I know who ever that was, was trying to make my mum and dad feel better but you might as well just have said. Well she is going to die. Because that would be better then saying your daughter is in a comma, we will call you when she wakes up.
      I knew when we reached the hospital because I could smell the chemicals and hear the ruckus going on around me.
"What is going on here?"
I heard what I was guessing the doctor or some medical person.
"Samantha's Woods, age 15, attacked by group, multiple hits to the head and side. Possible concussion and broken ribs. Also having issue breathing and heart rate low."
I heard the voice of the person from inside the ambulance.
"Ok take her to the surgical wing. We need to get her heart and breathing rate back to normal."
I felt my self being hurried through the building. It was like on a roller coaster, just unable to see, speak, move or anything else. I heard machines around me and multiple clings and clangs of metal.
"Ok Hun, listen to my voice, it is up to you on how this turns out. Just stay strong and fight."
I heard a women's voice in my ear and then I was out.
      I could hear again after a while, but I couldn't open my eyes. I heard my parents' voices as the talked to what I guessed the doctor, I just couldn't make out what they were saying right away.
"She had multiple injuries, their is no saying when she will wake up. She has a very bad concussion and had lots of bones broken. We got her breathing and heart rate back to normal but even the slightest bump, could set her off."
I heard a few sniffles.
"You said their was some weird marks on her color bone?"
I heard my dad ask the doctor. I was about to get my answer, if I was going to die or not.
"Yes, their seemed to be come kind of bite on her collar bone area. It was deep enough to hit the bone. It was defiantly animal, so I need to know, do you have any pets? Dogs? Cats? Anything that has a powerful jaw that could do that?"
I was hoping I was wrong but I guess I wasn't. I have been bit, and I was going to die the next full moon.

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