Chapter 8: Controlling

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Austin's Pov. 

I still couldn't believe my sister. I mean I do trust her but I would never think she would invite werewolves to the house. I mean one I guess is understandable. Wait.. No it is not! They kill our kind through one bite. Oh and to make it worse Jenna is from Taylor's pack. You know the ones that bit Sam and attacked us and on top of that killed our parents. But nooo she doesn't take that into consideration. She is like you saved my butt once you can stay with us and bring along your wolf friends too. I wasn't done with my mental rant as I stared daggers into my sister and Jenna. I mean Jenna didn't exactly do anything and my grandfather hasn't found anything bad going on through her mind but she is a were wolf. They don't like us! Never have. Never will. Plain and simple.

"Uh Austin, you are staring to freak me out. You should stop staring and I don't know talk to us."

I looked at Hayden that looked worried and slightly scared.

"Why so you can tell me that were wolves being in the same house as us is OK? Because the last time I checked they don't like our kind. Oh but it get's better. They can kill us by biting us. "

He rolled his eyes and just shook his head.

"I get where you are coming from but Austin these weres are harmless. I am telling you this right here and now that if something happens you can put it on my shoulders.They had  a chance to kill me if they wanted to, but instead they let me go. So if that doesn't prove anything then you can take Sam's word for it. She wouldn't something reckless to put us in danger."

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"You don't understand. You weren't the person that stood outside waiting for your parent only to have them not come. You don't know what it feels like to be at blame for not being there when your loved ones needed you. You don't know how it feels to realize that if you were just their your parents would still be alive. You don't how it feels to know that your sister will die next full moon, but to find out that a godly moment happened and she lives. You don't understand the feeling you get when you look at someone and feel the need to rip their throats out because pure anger that is built right under the surface. Then right on top of it, knowing you have the power to make everything to go your way but not aloud to use it."

Hayden looked at me shocked at my words. I didn't realize that I caught the others attention till I saw everyone's eyes on me. Even my grandfathers as he stared at me in horror by my words. I cleared my throat slightly embarrassed and got up and walked outside. It has been a while since I have stepped in this house but I can't forget how it always like home hearing my family chat and laugh together. But now that was never going to happen again because some were wolf changed our lives forever. I squinted up at the sky. The sun was bright and full now and the sky was a bright blue with no clouds for miles beyond miles. I clutched my fists and then summoned a ball of energy and shot it up into the air. I summoned a portal and dropped through it transfer it into the sky. I made portal after portal. It felt like the coolest roller coaster ever. The wind rushed through my hair and it felt great to know the power that was simply lying under the surface. I made another ball of energy and flattened it out into a Frisbee and expanded it into a platform. I threw it under me and teleport myself to stand on the platform. I blinked slowing the time around me to a still life. Nothing moved. I teleport myself back to the ground and unfroze everything. 

"Dude you need to stop that freeze time shit. It is just creepy."

I jumped and turned around to come face to face with Dean. I took in a deep breath before letting it out. I smiled and laughed a little.

"Sorry dude, but that is kinda hard to do when you are dealing with a time walker."

He shrugged.

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