Chapter 11: Trick

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Austin's Pov

I woke up with a massive head ache and tied to a tree. I looked around to see Hayden in a similar situation just still passed out.

"Psst, Hayden. Wake up Aqua."

Nothing. Not even a small movement. I was still weak from the brain ramaging so I couldn't do anything affective to wake him up.

"Lookie here, one of you are awake."

I turned to my attention to the large male figgure infront of me. I looked around him and saw Jenna and this Mikey person talking intensly. I had two fingers snapped infront of my face to bring me out of my thought.

"Hey I was talking to you."

I looked at the were and smiled at him.

"And I was ignoring you. Your point is?"

He rolled his eyes.

"Ok I understand that but even though I am supposed to hate you I can't bring mself to hate you. Hayden on the other hand I can because he was actually there for the deal. I beilive you did nothng wrong."

"Well I am sorry to tell you wolfie, but neither did he."

He just laughed at me.

"You are a sarcastic sucker aren't you?"

I rolled my eyes.

"More irritated then sarcastic because I have a sister to be saving yet I am tied to a tree."

"That you are, but my name is Pouge. What is yours?"

"I am sorry, Pouge, but I am not going to inform you that. I don't trust you."

"I don't blame you there, mate. My alpha has finally went crazy."

I rose an eyebrow at him.

"You are just figuring that one out. No affence but I think all weres go crazy once they are bitten, but once again my sister is part one. So I guess in some ways I don't trust her either so I wouldn't take my statement too harshly. Sides I don't care anymore. I am going to die anyways. It might not be today but it will happen. Man I just love being an Aurora."

I gave him a bright smile but he just stared at me dumb founded. Then he started laughing hystarically.

"Hey, Mickey, The Aurora Leader woke up!"

Mickey looked in our direction then said something to Jenna and then Walked  over. He didn't smile or say anything he just looked at me.

"What is your name boy?"

I couldn't help but crack a smile.

"I am sorry but just like I just told Pouge, I don't trust you so I am not going to tell you."

The leader's scowl deepened and crouched down so he was eye level with my sitting figure.

"I am not going to play nice with you boy so let's try this again, What is your name?"

"None of your business."

He then extended his claws and went to make me in the face but I had enough energy to wrap his fist with purple energy and keep it in it's beginning spot. I was still weak so I couldn't hold it enough but long enough for his arm to get tired and for him to drop his fist so He wouldn't hurt me. He stood to his feet and exchanges a look with Pouge.

"Fine we are going to do this the hard way. Pouge wake Hayden up. We will torture the other till we get the information we want from this one. Then Taylor will be happy to have two more Aurora's to persuade."

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