Chapter 15: Black Out

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Austin's POV

I lost it... I think Adam lost it. If Hayden reacted so bad to what I accidently showed him then he wouldn't want me to share with the others even a glimpse of what I saw because it is not something for kids. The others looked at me when I entered and followed Adam with their eyes as he took his spot on the coach with Hayden and his sister.

"So genius over there pointed out that you all think at the moment I am kind of crazy and me letting Rose in through the front door with no questions asked kind of proves you right in a sense. So he suggest that I show a glimpse of what I saw. Now that is what I call crazy but if you really want to see it then I will show to you. But only if you want to see that. Unfortunately since I been in Hayden's mind once before...I accidently showed him something that I would never wish upon anyone seeing. So who wants a sneak peak of what all our futures hold?"

To my surprise everyone that was an Aurora stood and came to me. I gestured for them to place their hands on my shoulders. I looked at the ceiling allowing my eyes to turn purple. Well this is going to take a lot out of me. My wings started to show and I let out a scream as I teleported everyone that volunteered to my head. Like before we entered my limbic system. The others stared at the black walls full of videos of my memories play along them.

"Hayden this may look familiar to you but those that are not familiar, this is my limbic system. This is where all my memories are stored even ones that I don't quite remember can be found here. When I choose a memory you all will be placed in the bodies of where you would be located in the memory if not located in the memory you will be given a birds eye view of the events being played out ahead. I am sorry you all have to witness this as some of you...some of you will become more frightened by it compared to other."

I looked at the others where they all gave me a nod telling me they were ready. I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes.

Wind rushed around making my sweaty hair blow around me quicker. I flicked my hands out for the thousandth time to nock another wolf away. I made a portal and jumped through. A large wolf bit down hard on my arm as I pushed the young girl that I have yet to know the name of. All I knew is she was a friendly and saved multiple lives in the battle. I grunted as I sent a large enough purple energy out of my hands to kill the black wolf. The girl rushed over and helped me up. She looked at the bite on the arm.

"I am so..."

I waved her off.

"Don't worry about it. Get to Hayden and Hava, they need help. Don't let them die."

She sucked in a breath and took off running to them. I looked around and saw more and more wolves coming in. I looked at the others. They were all sweaty and bloodied. Some I saw, like myself were bitten and other were already motionless with dead eyes staring off into space. I made a portal again and found my self with the twins.

"When I say now, both shoot the largest amount of energy you can at me, do you understand?"

They both nodded and continued shooting lightning and fire at the waves of wolves that were jumping from the south.


Both boys sent energy at me while I made shields around everyone and deflected the energy out sending a shock wave rushing at the wolves around us. Wolves either flew through the air into the surrounding trees or if they were unlucky to be too close to the blast they died instantly.

Breathing heavy I brought everyone out of the memory before the worst part came. That part was terrible and some had to witness loved ones die, get bitten or fight to kill. Everyone looked exhausted and like when I was in Hayden's memory I was drained and extremely weak. More so than last time as there are many in the group and also because I was actually fighting in the memory.

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