Addison writes letters to her lover while he is on a trip. Giving it to a trusted person to give him one letter in every city.
These are the Seven letters she wrote and the one she received
I always discouraged you because I didn't want you to get hurt. But more accurately I didn't want to get hurt. I know it sounds selfish but I have my reasons.
Your heart was..., no is too big for your chest . It was ridiculous the things you would do for other people. When you said you would catch a bullet for me. I knew you meant it. Everyone knew you meant it.
Remember Rachel? I bet you do. Remember how she didn't have a date to Homecoming? You asked her. Remember that? You went with her because no one else would. Because everyone thought she was "contagious" just because she was depressed.
How petty!
She was dealing with her own problems at home. After her mother passed due to cancer and her grandmother passed shortly after that. And all the fake rumors that started because of it.
Not only did you save my life but you saved hers too. She opened up to you and told you how she would have taken her life that week if it wasn't for you.
By doing this you gave me my other best friend. Together we were the realest people. We made a silent vow to stay ourselves and not be fake.
And that we did.
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