Addison writes letters to her lover while he is on a trip. Giving it to a trusted person to give him one letter in every city.
These are the Seven letters she wrote and the one she received
You're so gentle it hurts. Gentle with the furniture in my house, Gentle with the other kids in school. Gentle with my heart.
Like every cliched story in existence, I fell for my best friend. And when things like this happen it hurts the person, whoever it may be, even more, because they know with every fiber of their being that you would be just friends. Nothing but friends.
But girls like me even knowing this still hope. Hope that like every cliched story in existence the best friend loved her back. And with that small sliver of hope, I approached you.
I poured out my heart to you. Telling you hidden feelings that I had hidden for years hoping that maybe, just maybe, you felt the same way. But you didn't, not then.
I was hurt, to say the least. But you comforted me, apologizing multiple times, giving me space when I needed it but leaving something at my door every day with a note signed
Love ____
And I knew it wasn't meant that way and never would be. I did get over it. Not over you but over the situation and we became best friends again. It was awkward at first but we are best friends after all. The awkwardness didn't last forever.
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