The plan

910 19 3

Cisco:I am bored! I miss Caitlin.

Caitlin had taken a trip to coast city to visit her mom and was supposed to come back today.

Barry: hmm.

Barry was busy playing with a tennis ball. He missed Caitlin too and probably even more than Cisco. He could have flashed over to coast city in a few minutes, but he didn't want to disturb their family time.

Cisco: hmm? Dude don't you miss her? And will u please....

Cisco went and tried to snatch the Ball from his hand



with that ball.

Barry: obviously I miss caity Cis...

Cisco: caity? Since when did she become caity ?

Cisco asked with a devious smile on his face.

Cisco: wait!Are you two like a thing now? Hmmm?

Cisco teased barry who had turned red by now. He was so busy pestering Barry that he didn't notice Caitlin was standing behind him.

Caitlin: Francisco Ramon!

Cisco: C-A-I-T-L-I-N ....

He knew he had managed to piss her off!

Caitlin: We are not a "thing"

Barry watched the two of them without uttering a word. He knew it was best for him to maintain silence.

Even though he found the entire situation amusing, he felt bad for Cisco because he knew how dangerous an angry Caitlin snow could get.

Cisco: hey friend....

He tried to change the topic but to no avail.

Caitlin: how could you even think that Barry and I were a thing? He loves iris !!

Cisco: cait! It was a joke!relax girl.

He had actually thought that his two friends had romantic feelings for each other but after this he decided that he would never ever talk about this again.

Caitlin: well then hello Cisco!missed you!

They hugged and Caitlin moved towards barry.

Barry had been thinking about his relationship with iris after Caitlin had mentioned him being in love with her . He loved iris ?Yes he loved her. But was he in love with her?

Caitlin: Barry...

He looked up to see Caitlin walking towards him. He got up to hug her.

Barry: hey cait!

They were in each others arms for almost a minute now.

Barry felt comfortable in her arms and so did Caitlin. It was as if they were two pieces of a puzzle who fit together perfectly. They were meant to be together.

Cisco: guyssss

Barry and Caitlin realized that they had to break their hug even though it felt nice.

Cisco: okay so now that cait is here, let's go have some drinks.

Caitlin: I'm tired cisco.... I think I'll go home eat some pizza and then sleep...

GAME NIGHT (SNOWBARRY/ OLICITY )Where stories live. Discover now