The tears fall like raindrops,
splashing down on the skin.
Slipping down, the reddened
cheeks. The eyes of the child
widen, then close, squeezing
the last of drops down. The
child shaking uncontrollably.
Looking upon the sky, wondering,
almost certain, that no-one
would understand. Even if
they don't believe, even if
they hate life, their mind is
clouded by the temporary
sadness. They don't know their
life, isn't that bad. There is
someone. A friend that could
help, but the mind too crowded
to realize that the people would
help. Reach out to the world.
There is always a good life if
you reach out to
the World
My Poems
PoetryPoems I've written when the muse strikes~ All these poems are original, and an expression of how I felt at the moment. Quite a few of these are old, and many were posted on Gaia on my account.