Music flows through my mind
an elixir that gives me life
from my surroundings
and my thoughts
Uninterrupted notes
fall like raindrops into the skin
like nectar for the butterfly,
a healing balm for the brain.
Words and lyrics hold strong meaning
calming my ever coursing mind
that over works and over strains
to hope to please everyone I know.
I reach for pain, its comforting touch,
a link to the past, known insanity,
that I should love so very dear,
and hold so ever close to heart.
Essential music of my mind deprived,
and that is what keeps me bound
from reaching out and truly knowing,
making me feel so strangely lonely.
My Poems
PoetryPoems I've written when the muse strikes~ All these poems are original, and an expression of how I felt at the moment. Quite a few of these are old, and many were posted on Gaia on my account.