Chapter 3

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The brisk breeze of London, England bit the pale red apple's of Amy’s cheeks and Lewis's feathers ruffled. Isac and Benjamin both lead Amy and Andy around the alleyways of London. Amy began to grow more curious as to why they were just sticking to the back parts of the streets instead of giving Andy, whom had never been to London, a grand tour.

“Um, guys why are we sneaking around? I mean if we’re gonna be a team then you gotta tell us what's going on,” Amy stated, Andy nodded in agreement. 

“Because those two  were banned from London five years ago," a voice in the shadows cooed. Isac and Benjamin both tensed up and froze in place. 

"Who's there?" Benjamin called out nervously. 

A, tall, blond woman merged from the shadows. Her posture was perfect and her style looked like how most would describe a young Miranda Priestly from The Devil Wears Prada. "Long time no see, Benny Bae." she announced as she spread her arms wide and pulled Benjamin into a kiss. Amy and Andy's jaw dropped at the sight, Isac watched in pure disgust, where as Benjamin's shock melted away as their kiss deepened. Amy and Andy finally turned away feeling awkward for starring and Isac still watched.

Finally, the woman pulled away from Benjamin, "Kelly," he whispered. 

The woman smiled, "Did you miss me?"  Benjamin's cheeks started turning red and he turned away in attempts to compose himself.

Kelly turned to Isac, "And how is my little brother?"  Amy and Andy turned to each other and then back at their traveling partners and the newly found Kelly.

"So we're gonna go find the five of us a place to stay, and I assume Kelly will be staying with us as well?" Amy asked. The three nodded and waved the other two off. Amy and Andy both rushed out onto the streets. 

Amy pulled a gun from her trench coat pocket and Andy's eyes widened. "Where the hell did you get that!" he hissed. 

"I got it from Benjamin's duffel bag." 

"Okay...would you care to elaborate what your going to do with it?" 

Amy shook her head with a smirk, "I'm not gonna do anything with it," she handed the hand gun to Andy after putting a silencer on it. 

"You are." And stared at Amy. 

"And what am I gonna do with this!"

The other three walked up behind the two, Isac spoke up, "Why does Andy have a gun?" 

Amy smiled at his then pointed to a cab in the distance, "Well, you see that cab driver..." before Amy could finish, as if on cue Andy looked at the gun with a horrified expression before tossing it in the air. 

"Oh hell no!" Andy yelled as Benjamin knelt down and picked up the gun, he looked at Kelly. 

“Alright Then," he mumbled, thinking it was a joke he pointed the gun at the driver and pulled the trigger. The gun jolted.

Benjamin dropped the gun in shock. The three men stood there looking at Amy with bilious expressions plastered across their faces as if to sickly say, “what is wrong with you”. Amy’s eyes shifted from one of the men to the other and to the next Kelly who just shook.

“What are you guys staring at?” Amy mussed at the four. They all were shell shocked and began to mentally argue with one another as to guess who put this idea into her head. Amy rolled her eyes and picked the pistol up and pulled out what was supposed to be a bullet.

“Idiots! It’s just a tranquilizing dart. Geeze I’m a librarian not a psychopathic killer,” she exclaimed and put the dart back into the hand gun and slid the gun into her sweat pants. Andy looks at Isac. 

"I'm beginning to this there's more to being a Librarian than just books." Isac nodded in agreement. 

Amy had already began to walk over to the black taxi cab and motioned for the group to follow her. “Come on we have a long drive ahead of us and I gotta get out of these pajamas” she chirped and then continued to the cab.

Andy and Isac grabbed the man, who was a bit heavier than expected, and drug him into the space between two abandoned buildings. Isac dropped a bunch of garbage on top of the man’s body and walked away leaving Andy to finish hiding him. Andy gave the gruff looking man an apologetic look. “I am so sorry,” he mumbled and placed more garbage over the man. He turned to walk away, but stopped in his tracks before he turned around, removed a few garbage bags, and grabbed the mans wallet. Andy opened it and found a visa and 300 pounds in it. He placed the garbage bags back on the man and stuffed the wallet in his packet. 

"Sorry man, but we need this more than you do."

Andy opened the back door of the cab and climbed in next to Amy and Kelly. "What took you so long?" Kelly asked. Andy shoved his hand into his pants pocket and pulled out the cab drivers wallet. 

"I figured we would need some cash, so I took the drivers wallet," he explained and handed to the wallet to Isac. Benjamin started the car. 

"So Amy, where are we off to?" Amy shrugged, 

"To my moms house, in Edinburgh, Scotland" 

Isac turned around with a slightly shocked expression, "Your mother lives here? But you're an American." Amy shook her head and rolled her eyes. 

"No, she lives in Edinburgh, and just because i'm an American doesn't mean my parents are." Isac turned around still slightly shocked and pondered for a second before turning back to Amy. 

"Where is you're father from?" 

"He was born in France, but he was raised here in London. After he and my mother got divorced he took me and moved to New York." Andy looked sadly at Amy and placed his hand on her shoulder sympathetically. 

"I'm sorry, no child should have to go through that," Amy scoffed and shrugged, 

"oh it's fine, some good things did come out of the divorce, duel citizenship, two Christmas's and more." Benjamin looked into the rear view mirror, 

"That sounds terrible."

Amy shrugged and looked straight out of the window, "It was."

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