I Think I Have A Crush

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Chapter One

Gregory's P.O.V.

As I'm shoved against a locker I realize that my mom was wrong and I was right. This school year is gonna suck.

"You're the new kid right?" The guy who shoved me against the locker and possibly caused a bruise on my shoulder asks me.

"Yeah" I answer shyly. "Spencer, you should let him go he's new he didn't know" another guy tells the shover, who's name is apparently Spencer. Spencer spins on his heels so quickly I have to close my eyes to adjust to the sudden movement.

"Don't tell me what to do Calvin, last I heard you follow me not the other way around," Spencer tells Calvin while hinting to the rest of the people who gathered around.

Then, to my relief, he leaves. Calvin turns to look at me and gives me an apologetic smile before walking away.

"Hey you need help?" A random bystander asks me as he holds his hand out for me to help me stand up. "Uh thanks," I tell him.

I take his hand and stand up grabbing my backpack from the floor beside me. I slung it over my shoulder and look at the guy.

"I'm Derek. this is Shaun and Mike." Derek introduces me to his friends. "Um I'm Gregory you can call me Greg." I tell them.

"Cool so do you wanna hang with us at lunch?" Mike asks me nicely.

"Yeah sure." I respond.

Alex's P.O.V.

"Did you hear what Spencer did to the new kid?" Paisley asked me as we say down at our usual lunch table.

"Um there's a new kid?" I ask completely clueless.

"No there is just some random guy who decided to attend this school but he's not new he's just new." She replies sarcastically.

"Then your point is...." I say just as sarcastically.

"Really. Alex. Really." Paisley says angrily while crossing her arms across her chest.

"Well what do you expect from the great Alexandriat?" Says Sammy.

"Don't call me Alexandriat you know I hate it." I tell Sammy who is munching on her salad happily. She's been complaining about how hungry she was in third period.

"Well that's your name so..." Sammy says with a mouthful of lettuce and ranch.

"Okay, one ew and two that's why people call me Alex and three Paisley you were saying..." I say rolling my eyes at Sammy.

"Oh right Spencer was going to beat up the new kid earlier. I saw them while I was walking in the hall just five minutes ago." Paisley informed Sammy and I.

"Woah no way what happened." Sammy asked totally mesmerized and engrossed in the gossip.

"Well this is interesting and all but I really don't care and I need a fork so..." I said while walking away.

I arrived at the lunch room and squeezed inside to get a fork so that I can eat my spaghetti.

Well not so much squeezed more like walked in with no problem because people at this school are scared of me so the crowd parted so that I can pass. More so now that I'm a senior.

I grabbed a fork and turned around to go.

Just then I crashed into someone and got juice all over my leather jacket.

Gregory's P.O.V.

Holy crap.

I just dumped my juice all over someone. Once the person looks up I realize something.

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