Greg's Awsome Parents

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Chapter Three

Alex's P.O.V.

"You don't have to apologize," Greg told me after I apologized for his parents never being home. It wasn't my fault, of course, but I felt bad that he lived in this huge mansion all by himself. With the exception of the butler and maids but he's still all alone.

"I know I just can't imagine living all alone. I'm so used to having a little brother around the house and occasionally my older brothers." As I said that I looked at my hands and started to pick on my nail polish. I need a manicure.

"Occasionally?" Greg asked raising an eyebrow.

I looked up. Right, Greg doesn't know anything about my family yet, "My eldest brother is a senior in college, the second eldest is a sophomore in college, and my youngest brother is in the eighth grade."

"Wow so your two big brothers currently are staying at your house?" Greg asked. He looked amused to here about all of my siblings.

"Yup all four kids are home and my parents and my grandma." I say suddenly remembering of Granny M.

"Your grandma lives with you?" Greg asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah all of us kids call her Granny M." I tell him, "Now talk to me about your family."

"What did you want to know? It's just me and my parents." Greg says leaning back in his chair uninterested.

"What do your parents do that keeps them away." I ask trying to get him to say something.

"They are William Charles's managers." Greg informs me dully.

"Your parents are William Charles's managers!" I say excitedly. William Charle is an eighteen year old international pop star. He's currently on a world tour and has millions of fans all over the world. There are rumors that he's going to be in a movie soon.

"Yup my parents are The Power Duo. Yay," He says and waves his hands up in the air. He obviously doesn't find this interesting.

"The Power Duo are your parents. Wait, so, that means you meet famous people all the time," I say looking at his face.

"Yeah it's not a big deal," he says nonchalantly.

"Um yeah it's a big deal," I say trying to convince him.

"No it isn't," he argues.

"Yes it is," I say back.

"Any other questions?" Greg says changing the topic.

"When are your parents coming home?" I ask.

"I don't know yet." Greg says sadly.

"Oh well do you have a good relationship with your parents?" I ask curiously.

Greg's P.O.V.

"Yes I have a great relationship with my parents. They call every other day to listen to me telling them how my days were and I listen to theirs." I respond truthfully.

"At least you guys get along." Alex says with the cutest smile on her face.

"Yeah at least," I manage to say.

"You don't sound excited about that," she says worry laced in her voice.

"It's just-" I didn't get to finish my sentence because my cell phone rang.

It was my parents.

I answer the phone, "Hello, Mom. Dad."

"Hey son," my Dad answers.

"Hey Dad how have you been." I ask him putting him on speaker.

"Your Mother and I have been doing well. How has your first day at school?" My Dad asks unknowing of Alex's presence.

"Uh, actually, I made a new friend, she's right here." I smile amused at Alex's reaction to me saying that she's here. Alex is swaying her hands back and forth telling me with her eyes not to say anything. "Say hey, your on speaker."

"Oh hi there, what's your name?" Dad asks clearly confused.

Alex sighs defeated, "My names Alex. Nice to meet you."

"Oh, Alex... cool n-" Dad got cut off by Mom screaming, "Is that Gregory? Hi Gregory how are you!"

Then Alex and I hear my dad saying, "Honey, cool it, he has a lady friend there with him."

I face palm while Alex is giggles in the background.

"Really? Hi Gregory's lady friend!" My Mom yells into the phone.

"Hi I'm Alex," Alex says stifling a laugh.

"Hello! Sorry for embarrassing you in front of your lady friend, I mean Alex, Gregory." Mom apologizes.

"It's ok Mom." I say to not worry her, "When are you coming back?"

"In two days son." Dad gives me the good news.

"Really! Do you need me to pick you guys up from the airport?" I ask.

"Gregory, I'm sorry but, we have to go. Come on Hon." My Mom says.

"Can you pick us up, son?" Dad asks quickly.

"Yes of course." I respond.

"That would be great. Saturday at noon." Dad informs me.

"Ok will do Dad, bye." I say and hang up.

"Your parents seem..." Alex starts.

"Weird?" I finish.

"No. More like awesome," she smiles.

I look at her suspiciously, "Weird is more like it."

"No. Definitely awesome," she says leaning back.

"I don't believe you," I tell her rolling my eyes while she laughs, "Let's just start this damn project."

"Ok don't get your panties in a twist." Alex says and sticks her tongue out at me.I stick my tongue out at her, too.


After we almost finish the project Alex gets a call from her mom telling her to come home. When she left I took a shower and goy in bed at around ten PM.

Before I fell asleep I thought of Alex and how beautiful she is. I fell asleep and had a dream about Alex and I.

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